Source code for xga.products.spec

#  This code is a part of XMM: Generate and Analyse (XGA), a module designed for the XMM Cluster Survey (XCS).
#  Last modified by David J Turner ( 16/06/2021, 09:12. Copyright (c) David J Turner

import os
import warnings
from typing import Tuple, Union, List, Dict

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.units import Quantity, Unit, UnitConversionError
from fitsio import hdu, FITS
from matplotlib import legend_handler
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, FuncFormatter
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

from . import BaseProduct, BaseAggregateProduct, BaseProfile1D
from ..exceptions import ModelNotAssociatedError, ParameterNotAssociatedError, XGASetIDError, NotAssociatedError
from ..products.profile import ProjectedGasTemperature1D, ProjectedGasMetallicity1D, Generic1D, APECNormalisation1D
from ..utils import dict_search

[docs]class Spectrum(BaseProduct): """ This class is the XGA product responsible for storing an individual spectrum. Various qualities that can be measured from it (X-ray luminosity for example) can be associated with an instance of this object, as well as conversion factors that can be calculated from XSPEC. If a model has been fitted then the data and model can be viewed. """ def __init__(self, path: str, rmf_path: str, arf_path: str, b_path: str, central_coord: Quantity, inn_rad: Quantity, out_rad: Quantity, obs_id: str, instrument: str, grouped: bool, min_counts: int, min_sn: float, over_sample: int, stdout_str: str, stderr_str: str, gen_cmd: str, region: bool = False, b_rmf_path: str = '', b_arf_path: str = ''): """ The init of the Spectrum class, sets up both the base product behind the Spectrum and the specific information/abilities that a spectrum needs. :param str path: The path to the spectrum file. :param str rmf_path: The path to the RMF generated for the spectrum file. :param str arf_path: The path to the ARF generated for the spectrum file. :param str b_path: The path to the background spectrum generated for the spectrum file. :param Quantity central_coord: The central coordinate of the spectrum region. :param Quantity inn_rad: The inner radius of the spectrum region. :param Quantity out_rad: The outer radius of the spectrum region. :param str obs_id: The ObsID from which this spectrum was generated. :param str instrument: The instrument which this spectrum was generated. :param bool grouped: Was this spectrum grouped? :param int min_counts: The minimum counts applied for the grouping. :param float min_sn: The minimum signal to noise applied for the grouping. :param int over_sample: Level of oversampling applied to spectrum grouping. :param str stdout_str: The stdout from the generation process. :param str stderr_str: The stderr for the generation process. :param str gen_cmd: The generation command for the spectrum stack. :param bool region: Was this spectrum generated from a region in a region file? :param str b_rmf_path: The path to the RMF generated for the background spectrum (if applicable, XGA no longer generates these by default, as XSPEC does not make use of them). :param str b_arf_path: The path to the ARF generated for the background spectrum (if applicable, XGA no longer generates these by default, as XSPEC does not make use of them). """ super().__init__(path, obs_id, instrument, stdout_str, stderr_str, gen_cmd) self._prod_type = "spectrum" if os.path.exists(rmf_path): self._rmf = rmf_path else: self._rmf = '' self._usable = False self._why_unusable.append("RMFPathDoesNotExist") if os.path.exists(arf_path): self._arf = arf_path else: self._arf = '' self._usable = False self._why_unusable.append("ARFPathDoesNotExist") if os.path.exists(b_path): self._back_spec = b_path else: self._back_spec = '' self._usable = False self._why_unusable.append("BackSpecPathDoesNotExist") if b_rmf_path != '' and os.path.exists(b_rmf_path): self._back_rmf = b_rmf_path elif b_rmf_path == '': self._back_rmf = None else: self._back_rmf = '' self._usable = False self._why_unusable.append("BackRMFPathDoesNotExist") if b_arf_path != '' and os.path.exists(b_arf_path): self._back_arf = b_arf_path elif b_arf_path == '': self._back_arf = None else: self._back_arf = '' self._usable = False self._why_unusable.append("BackARFPathDoesNotExist") # Storing the central coordinate of this spectrum self._central_coord = central_coord # Storing the region information self._inner_rad = inn_rad self._outer_rad = out_rad # And also the shape of the region if self._inner_rad.isscalar: self._shape = 'circular' else: self._shape = 'elliptical' # If this spectrum has just been generated by XGA then we'll set the headers, otherwise its # too slow and must be avoided. I am assuming here that the gen_cmd will be "" if the object # hasn't just been generated - which is true of XGA's behaviour if gen_cmd != "": try: self._update_spec_headers("main") self._update_spec_headers("back") except OSError as err: self._usable = False self._why_unusable.append("FITSIOOSError") self._exp = None self._plot_data = {} self._luminosities = {} self._count_rate = {} # This is specifically for fakeit runs (for cntrate - lum conversions) on the ARF/RMF # associated with this Spectrum self._conv_factors = {} # This set of properties describe the configuration of evselect/specgroup during generation self._grouped = grouped self._min_counts = min_counts self._min_sn = min_sn if self._grouped and self._min_counts is not None: self._grouped_on = 'counts' elif self._grouped and self._min_sn is not None: self._grouped_on = 'signal to noise' else: self._grouped_on = None # Not to do with grouping, but this states the level of oversampling requested from evselect self._over_sample = over_sample # This describes whether this spectrum was generated directly from a region present in a region file self._region = region # Here we generate the storage key for this object, its just convenient to do it in here # Sets up the extra part of the storage key name depending on if grouping is enabled if grouped and min_counts is not None: extra_name = "_mincnt{}".format(min_counts) elif grouped and min_sn is not None: extra_name = "_minsn{}".format(min_sn) else: extra_name = '' # And if it was oversampled during generation then we need to include that as well if over_sample is not None: extra_name += "_ovsamp{ov}".format(ov=over_sample) spec_storage_name = "ra{ra}_dec{dec}_ri{ri}_ro{ro}_grp{gr}" if not self._region and self.inner_rad.isscalar: spec_storage_name = spec_storage_name.format(ra=self.central_coord[0].value, dec=self.central_coord[1].value, ri=self._inner_rad.value, ro=self._outer_rad.value, gr=grouped) elif not self._region and not self._inner_rad.isscalar: inn_rad_str = 'and'.join(self._inner_rad.value.astype(str)) out_rad_str = 'and'.join(self._outer_rad.value.astype(str)) spec_storage_name = spec_storage_name.format(ra=self.central_coord[0].value, dec=self.central_coord[1].value, ri=inn_rad_str, ro=out_rad_str, gr=grouped) else: spec_storage_name = "region_grp{gr}".format(gr=grouped) spec_storage_name += extra_name # And we save the completed key to an attribute self._storage_key = spec_storage_name # This attribute is set via the property, ONLY if this spectrum is considered to be a member of a set # of annular spectra. It describes which position in the set this spectrum has self._ann_ident = None # This holds a unique random identifier for the set itself, and again will only be set from outside self._set_ident = None def _update_spec_headers(self, which_spec: str): """ An internal method that will 'push' the current class attributes that hold the paths to data products (like ARF and RMF) to the relevant spectrum file. :param str which_spec: A flag that tells the method whether to update the header of the main or background spectrum. """ # This function is meant for internal use only, so I won't check that the passed-in file paths # actually exist. This will have been checked already if which_spec == "main" and self.usable: # Currently having to use astropy's fits interface, I don't really want to because of risk of segfaults with, mode='update') as spec_fits: spec_fits["SPECTRUM"].header["RESPFILE"] = self._rmf spec_fits["SPECTRUM"].header["ANCRFILE"] = self._arf spec_fits["SPECTRUM"].header["BACKFILE"] = self._back_spec elif which_spec == "back" and self.usable: with, mode='update') as spec_fits: if self._back_rmf is not None: spec_fits["SPECTRUM"].header["RESPFILE"] = self._back_rmf if self._back_arf is not None: spec_fits["SPECTRUM"].header["ANCRFILE"] = self._back_arf @property def path(self) -> str: """ This method returns the path to the spectrum file of this object. :return: The path to the spectrum file associated with this object. :rtype: str """ return self._path @path.setter def path(self, new_path: str): """ This setter updates the path to the spectrum file, and then updates that file with the current values of the RMF, ARF, and background spectrum paths. WARNING: This does permanently alter the file, so use your own spectrum file with caution. :param str new_path: The updated path to the spectrum file. """ if os.path.exists(new_path): self._path = new_path # Call this here because it'll replace any existing arf and rmf file paths with the ones # currently loaded in the instance of this object. self._update_spec_headers("main") else: raise FileNotFoundError("The new spectrum file does not exist") @property def rmf(self) -> str: """ This method returns the path to the RMF file of the main spectrum of this object. :return: The path to the RMF file associated with the main spectrum of this object. :rtype: str """ return self._rmf @rmf.setter def rmf(self, new_path: str): """ This setter updates the path to the main RMF file, then writes that change to the actual spectrum file. WARNING: This permanently alters the file, use with caution! :param str new_path: The path to the new RMF file. """ if os.path.exists(new_path): self._rmf = new_path # Push to the actual file self._update_spec_headers("main") else: raise FileNotFoundError("The new RMF file does not exist") @property def arf(self) -> str: """ This method returns the path to the ARF file of the main spectrum of this object. :return: The path to the ARF file associated with the main spectrum of this object. :rtype: str """ return self._arf @arf.setter def arf(self, new_path: str): """ This setter updates the path to the main ARF file, then writes that change to the actual spectrum file. WARNING: This permanently alters the file, use with caution! :param str new_path: The path to the new ARF file. """ if os.path.exists(new_path): self._arf = new_path self._update_spec_headers("main") else: raise FileNotFoundError("The new ARF file does not exist") @property def background(self) -> str: """ This method returns the path to the background spectrum. :return: Path of the background spectrum. :rtype: str """ return self._back_spec @background.setter def background(self, new_path: str): """ This method is the setter for the background spectrum. It can be used to change the background spectrum file associated with this object, and will write that change to the actual spectrum file. WARNING: This permanently alters the file, use with caution! :param str new_path: The path to the new background spectrum. """ if os.path.exists(new_path): self._back_spec = new_path self._update_spec_headers("main") else: raise FileNotFoundError("The new background spectrum file does not exist") @property def background_rmf(self) -> str: """ This method returns the path to the background spectrum's RMF file. :return: The path the the background spectrum's RMF. :rtype: str """ return self._back_rmf @background_rmf.setter def background_rmf(self, new_path: str): """ This setter method will change the RMF associated with the background spectrum, then write that change to the background spectrum file. :param str new_path: The path to the background spectrum's new RMF. """ if os.path.exists(new_path): self._back_rmf = new_path self._update_spec_headers("back") else: raise FileNotFoundError("That new background RMF file does not exist") @property def background_arf(self) -> str: """ This method returns the path to the background spectrum's ARF file. :return: The path the the background spectrum's ARF. :rtype: str """ return self._back_arf @background_arf.setter def background_arf(self, new_path: str): """ This setter method will change the ARF associated with the background spectrum, then write that change to the background spectrum file. :param str new_path: The path to the background spectrum's new ARF. """ if os.path.exists(new_path): self._back_arf = new_path self._update_spec_headers("back") else: raise FileNotFoundError("That new background ARF file does not exist") @property def storage_key(self) -> str: """ This property returns the storage key which this object assembles to place the Spectrum in an XGA source's storage structure. The key is based on the properties of the spectrum, and some of the configuration options, and is basically human readable. :return: String storage key. :rtype: str """ return self._storage_key @property def central_coord(self) -> Quantity: """ This property provides the central coordinates (RA-Dec) of the region that this spectrum was generated from. :return: Astropy quantity object containing the central coordinate in degrees. :rtype: Quantity """ return self._central_coord @property def shape(self) -> str: """ Returns the shape of the outer edge of the region this spectrum was generated from. :return: The shape (either circular or elliptical). :rtype: str """ return self._shape @property def inner_rad(self) -> Quantity: """ Gives the inner radius (if circular) or radii (if elliptical - semi-major, semi-minor) of the region in which this spectrum was generated. :return: The inner radius(ii) of the region. :rtype: Quantity """ return self._inner_rad @property def outer_rad(self): """ Gives the outer radius (if circular) or radii (if elliptical - semi-major, semi-minor) of the region in which this spectrum was generated. :return: The outer radius(ii) of the region. :rtype: Quantity """ return self._outer_rad @property def grouped(self) -> bool: """ A property stating whether SAS was told to group this spectrum during generation or not. :return: Boolean variable describing whether the spectrum is grouped or not :rtype: bool """ return self._grouped @property def grouped_on(self) -> str: """ A property stating what metric this spectrum was grouped on. :return: String representation of the metric this spectrum was grouped on (None if not grouped). :rtype: str """ return self._grouped_on @property def min_counts(self) -> int: """ A property stating the minimum number of counts allowed in a grouped channel. :return: The integer minimum number of counts per grouped channel (if this spectrum was grouped on minimum numbers of counts). :rtype: int """ return self._min_counts @property def min_sn(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ A property stating the minimum signal to noise allowed in a grouped channel. :return: The minimum signal to noise per grouped channel (if this spectrum was grouped on minimum signal to noise). :rtype: Union[float, int] """ return self._min_sn @property def over_sample(self) -> float: """ A property string stating the amount of oversampling applied by evselect during the spectrum generation process. :return: Oversampling applied during generation :rtype: float """ return self._over_sample @property def region(self) -> bool: """ This property states whether this spectrum was generated directly from a region file region or not. If true then this isn't from any arbitrary radii or an overdensity radius, but instead directly from a source finder. :return: A boolean flag describing if this is a region spectrum or not. :rtype: bool """ return self._region @property def annulus_ident(self) -> int: """ This property returns the integer identifier of which annulus in a set this Spectrum is, if it is part of a set. :return: Integer annulus identifier, None if not part of a set. :rtype: object """ return self._ann_ident @annulus_ident.setter def annulus_ident(self, new_ident: int): """ This property sets the annulus identifier of this object. :param int new_ident: The annulus integer identifier of this spectrum. """ if not isinstance(new_ident, int): raise TypeError("Spectrum annulus identifiers may ONLY be positive integers") self._ann_ident = new_ident @property def set_ident(self) -> int: """ This property returns the random id of the spectrum set this is a part of. :return: Set identifier, None if not part of a set. :rtype: int """ return self._set_ident @set_ident.setter def set_ident(self, new_ident: int): """ This property sets the set identifier of this object. :param int new_ident: The set identifier of this spectrum. """ if not isinstance(new_ident, int): raise TypeError("Spectrum set identifiers may ONLY be positive integers") self._set_ident = new_ident @property def exposure(self) -> Quantity: """ Property that returns the spectrum exposure time used by XSPEC. :return: Spectrum exposure time. :rtype: Quantity """ if self._exp is None: raise ModelNotAssociatedError("There are no XSPEC fits associated with this Spectrum") else: exp = Quantity(self._exp, 's') return exp
[docs] def add_fit_data(self, model: str, tab_line, plot_data: hdu.table.TableHDU): """ Method that adds information specific to a spectrum from an XSPEC fit to this object. This includes individual spectrum exposure and count rate, as well as calculated luminosities, and plotting information for data and model. :param str model: String representation of the XSPEC model fitted to the data. :param tab_line: The line of the SPEC_INFO table produced by xga_extract.tcl that is relevant to this spectrum object. :param hdu.table.TableHDU plot_data: The PLOT{N} table in the file produced by xga_extract.tcl that is relevant to this spectrum object. """ # This stores the exposure time that XSPEC uses for this specific spectrum. if self._exp is None: self._exp = float(tab_line["EXPOSURE"]) # This is the count rate and error for this spectrum. self._count_rate[model] = [float(tab_line["COUNT_RATE"]), float(tab_line["COUNT_RATE_ERR"])] # Searches for column headers with 'Lx' in them (this has to be dynamic as the user can calculate # luminosity in as many bands as they like) lx_inds = np.where(np.char.find(tab_line.dtype.names, "Lx") == 0)[0] lx_cols = np.array(tab_line.dtype.names)[lx_inds] # Constructs a dictionary of luminosities and their errors for the different energy bands # in this XSPEC fit. lx_dict = {} for col in lx_cols: lx_info = col.split("_") if lx_info[2][-1] == "-" or lx_info[2][-1] == "+": en_band = "bound_{l}-{u}".format(l=lx_info[1], u=lx_info[2][:-1]) err_type = lx_info[-1][-1] else: en_band = "bound_{l}-{u}".format(l=lx_info[1], u=lx_info[2]) err_type = "" if en_band not in lx_dict: lx_dict[en_band] = [0, 0, 0] if err_type == "": lx_dict[en_band][0] = Quantity(float(tab_line[col])*(10**44), "erg s^-1") elif err_type == "-": lx_dict[en_band][1] = Quantity(float(tab_line[col])*(10**44), "erg s^-1") elif err_type == "+": lx_dict[en_band][2] = Quantity(float(tab_line[col])*(10**44), "erg s^-1") self._luminosities[model] = lx_dict self._plot_data[model] = {"x": plot_data["X"][:], "x_err": plot_data["XERR"][:], "y": plot_data["Y"][:], "y_err": plot_data["YERR"][:], "model": plot_data["YMODEL"][:]}
[docs] def get_luminosities(self, model: str, lo_en: Quantity = None, hi_en: Quantity = None): """ Returns the luminosities measured for this spectrum from a given model. :param model: Name of model to fetch luminosities for. :param Quantity lo_en: The lower energy limit for the desired luminosity measurement. :param Quantity hi_en: The upper energy limit for the desired luminosity measurement. :return: Luminosity measurement, either for all energy bands, or the one requested with the energy limit parameters. Luminosity measurements are presented as three column numpy arrays, with column 0 being the value, column 1 being err-, and column 2 being err+. """ # Checking the input energy limits are valid, and assembles the key to look for lums in those energy # bounds. If the limits are none then so is the energy key if lo_en is not None and hi_en is not None and lo_en > hi_en: raise ValueError("The low energy limit cannot be greater than the high energy limit") elif lo_en is not None and hi_en is not None: en_key = "bound_{l}-{u}".format("keV").value,"keV").value) else: en_key = None # Checks that the requested region, model and energy band actually exist if len(self._luminosities) == 0: raise ModelNotAssociatedError("There are no XSPEC fits associated with {s}".format(s=self.src_name)) elif model not in self._luminosities: av_mods = ", ".join(self._luminosities.keys()) raise ModelNotAssociatedError("{0} has not been fitted to this spectrum; " "available models are {1}".format(model, av_mods)) elif en_key is not None and en_key not in self._luminosities[model]: av_bands = ", ".join([en.split("_")[-1] + "keV" for en in self._luminosities[model].keys()]) raise ParameterNotAssociatedError("{l}-{u}keV was not an energy band for the fit with {m}; available " "energy bands are {b}".format("keV").value,"keV").value, m=model, b=av_bands)) if en_key is None: return self._luminosities[model] else: return self._luminosities[model][en_key]
[docs] def get_rate(self, model: str) -> Quantity: """ Fetches the count rate for a particular model fitted to this spectrum. :param model: The model to fetch count rate for. :return: Count rate in counts per second. :rtype: Quantity """ if model not in self._count_rate: raise ModelNotAssociatedError("There are no XSPEC fits associated with this Spectrum") else: rate = Quantity(self._count_rate[model], 'ct/s') return rate
# TODO Should this take parameter values as arguments too? - It definitely should
[docs] def add_conv_factors(self, lo_ens: np.ndarray, hi_ens: np.ndarray, rates: np.ndarray, lums: np.ndarray, model: str): """ Method used to store countrate to luminosity conversion factors derived from fakeit spectra, as well as the actual countrate and luminosity measured in case the user wants to create a combined factor for multiple observations. :param np.ndarray lo_ens: A numpy array of string representations of the lower energy bounds for the cntrate and luminosity measurements. :param np.ndarray hi_ens: A numpy array of string representations of the upper energy bounds for the cntrate and luminosity measurements. :param np.ndarray rates: A numpy array of the rates measured for this arf/rmf combination for the energy ranges specified in lo_ens and hi_end. :param np.ndarray lums: A numpy array of the luminosities measured for this arf/rmf combination for the energy ranges specified in lo_ens and hi_end. :param str model: The name of the model used to calculate this factor. """ for row_ind, lo_en in enumerate(lo_ens): # Define the key with energy information under which to store this information hi_en = hi_ens[row_ind] en_key = "bound_{l}-{u}".format(l=lo_en, u=hi_en) # Split out the rate and lum for this particular set of energy limits rate = Quantity(rates[row_ind], "ct/s") lum = Quantity(lums[row_ind], "10^44 erg/s") # Will be storing the individual components, but will also store the factor for this spectrum factor = lum / rate if model not in self._conv_factors: self._conv_factors[model] = {} self._conv_factors[model][en_key] = {"rate": rate, "lum": lum, "factor": factor}
[docs] def get_conv_factor(self, lo_en: Quantity, hi_en: Quantity, model: str) -> Tuple[Quantity, Quantity, Quantity]: """ Retrieves a conversion factor between count rate and luminosity for a given energy range, if one has been calculated. :param Quantity lo_en: The lower energy bound for the desired conversion factor. :param Quantity hi_en: The upper energy bound for the desired conversion factor. :param str model: The model used to generate the desired conversion factor. :return: The conversion factor, luminosity, and rate for the supplied model-energy combination. :rtype: Tuple[Quantity, Quantity, Quantity] """ en_key = "bound_{l}-{u}".format("keV").value,"keV").value) if model not in self._conv_factors: mods = ", ".join(list(self._conv_factors.keys())) raise ModelNotAssociatedError("{0} is not associated with this spectrum, only {1} " "are available.".format(model, mods)) elif en_key not in self._conv_factors[model]: raise ParameterNotAssociatedError("The conversion factor for {m} in {l}-{u}keV has not been " "calculated".format(m=model,"keV").value,"keV").value)) rel_vals = self._conv_factors[model][en_key] return rel_vals["factor"], rel_vals["lum"], rel_vals["rate"]
[docs] def get_plot_data(self, model: str) -> dict: """ Simply grabs the plot data dictionary for a given model, if the spectrum has had a fit performed on it. :param str model: :return: All information required to plot the data and model. :rtype: dict """ if model not in self._plot_data: raise ModelNotAssociatedError("{m} does not have any plot data associated with it in this " "spectrum".format(m=model)) return self._plot_data[model]
[docs] def get_arf_data(self) -> Tuple[Quantity, Quantity]: """ Reads in and returns the ARF effective areas for this spectrum. :return: The mid point of the energy bins and their corresponding effective areas. :rtype: Tuple[Quantity, Quantity] """ # Read in the ARF fits file from the arf property arf_read = FITS(self.arf) # Read out the data from the ARF table into python variables lo_lims = arf_read[1]['ENERG_LO'].read() hi_lims = arf_read[1]['ENERG_HI'].read() eff_area = Quantity(arf_read[1]['SPECRESP'].read(), 'cm^2') # The centre of the upper and lower limit values for each area is used to calculate the central energy of # the bin mid_en = Quantity((hi_lims+lo_lims)/2, 'keV') # And make sure to close the arf file after reading arf_read.close() # Return the energies and effective areas return mid_en, eff_area
[docs] def view_arf(self, figsize: Tuple = (8, 6), xscale: str = 'linear', yscale: str = 'linear', lo_en: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, 'keV'), hi_en: Quantity = Quantity(16.0, 'keV')): """ Plots the response curve for this spectrum. :param tuple figsize: The desired size of the output figure. :param str xscale: The xscale to use for the plot. :param str yscale: The yscale to use for the plot. :param Quantity lo_en: The lower energy limit for the x-axis. :param Quantity hi_en: The upper energy limit for the y-axis. """ if lo_en > hi_en: raise ValueError("hi_en cannot be greater than lo_en") else: lo_en ="keV").value hi_en ="keV").value plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # Set the plot up to look nice and professional. ax = plt.gca() ax.minorticks_on() ax.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', which='both', top=True, right=True) # Get the data and plot it ens, areas = self.get_arf_data() plt.plot(ens, areas, color='black') # Set the lower y-lim to be zero, and then the user supplied x-lims plt.ylim(0) plt.xlim(lo_en, hi_en) # Set the user defined x and y scales plt.xscale(xscale) plt.yscale(yscale) # Title and axis labels plt.ylabel("Effective Area [cm$^{2}$]", fontsize=12) plt.xlabel("Energy [keV]", fontsize=12) plt.title("{o}-{i} Response Curve".format(o=self.obs_id, i=self.instrument.upper()), fontsize=14) # Aaaand finally actually plot it plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def view(self, lo_en: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, "keV"), hi_en: Quantity = Quantity(30.0, "keV"), figsize: Tuple = (8, 6)): """ Very simple method to plot the data/models associated with this Spectrum object, between certain energy limits. :param Quantity lo_en: The lower energy limit from which to plot the spectrum. :param Quantity hi_en: The upper energy limit to plot the spectrum to. :param Tuple figsize: The desired size of the output figure. """ if lo_en > hi_en: raise ValueError("hi_en cannot be greater than lo_en") else: lo_en ="keV").value hi_en ="keV").value if len(self._plot_data.keys()) != 0: # Create figure object plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # Set the plot up to look nice and professional. ax = plt.gca() ax.minorticks_on() ax.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', which='both', top=True, right=True) # Set the title with all relevant information about the spectrum object in it plt.title("{n} - {o}{i} Spectrum".format(n=self.src_name, o=self.obs_id, i=self.instrument.upper())) for mod_ind, mod in enumerate(self._plot_data): x = self._plot_data[mod]["x"] # If the defaults are left, just update them to the min and max of the dataset # to avoid unsightly gaps at the sides of the plot if lo_en == 0.: lo_en = x.min() if hi_en == 30.0: hi_en = x.max() # Cut the x dataset to just the energy range we want plot_x = x[(x > lo_en) & (x < hi_en)] if mod_ind == 0: # Read out the data just for line length reasons # Make the cuts based on energy values supplied to the view method plot_y = self._plot_data[mod]["y"][(x > lo_en) & (x < hi_en)] plot_xerr = self._plot_data[mod]["x_err"][(x > lo_en) & (x < hi_en)] plot_yerr = self._plot_data[mod]["y_err"][(x > lo_en) & (x < hi_en)] plot_mod = self._plot_data[mod]["model"][(x > lo_en) & (x < hi_en)] plt.errorbar(plot_x, plot_y, xerr=plot_xerr, yerr=plot_yerr, fmt="k+", label="data", zorder=1) else: # Don't want to re-plot data points as they should be identical, so if there is another model # only it will be plotted plot_mod = self._plot_data[mod]["model"][(x > lo_en) & (x < hi_en)] # The model line is put on plt.plot(plot_x, plot_mod, label=mod, linewidth=1.5) # Generate the legend for the data and model(s) plt.legend(loc="best") # Ensure axis is limited to the chosen energy range plt.xlim(lo_en, hi_en) plt.xlabel("Energy [keV]") plt.ylabel("Normalised Counts s$^{-1}$ keV$^{-1}$") ax.set_xscale("log") ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda inp, _: '{:g}'.format(inp))) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda inp, _: '{:g}'.format(inp))) plt.tight_layout() # Display the spectrum # Wipe the figure plt.close("all") else: warnings.warn("There are no XSPEC fits associated with this Spectrum, you can't view it.")
[docs]class AnnularSpectra(BaseAggregateProduct): """ A class designed to hold a set of XGA spectra generated in concentric, circular annuli. """ def __init__(self, spectra: List[Spectrum]): """ The init method for the AnnularSpectrum class, performs checks and organises the spectra which have been passed in, for easy retrieval. :param List[Spectrum] spectra: A list of XGA spectrum objects which make up this set. """ super().__init__([s.path for s in spectra], 'spectrum', "combined", "combined") # There shouldn't be any way this can happen, but it doesn't hurt to check that all of the spectra # have the same set ID set_idents = set([s.set_ident for s in spectra]) if len(set_idents) != 1: raise XGASetIDError("You have passed spectra that have set IDs that do not match") # Just put the set ID into an attribute in case anyone ever wants to know it self._set_id = list(set_idents)[0] # Here I run through all the spectra and access their annulus_ident property, that way we can determine how # many annuli there are and start storing spectra appropriately self._num_ann = len(set([s.annulus_ident for s in spectra])) # While the official ObsID and Instrument of this product are 'combined', I do still # want to know which ObsIDs and instruments the spectra belong to inst_dict = {o: [] for o in [s.obs_id for s in spectra]} for s in spectra: if s.instrument not in inst_dict[s.obs_id]: inst_dict[s.obs_id].append(s.instrument) # The same idea as the source.instruments dictionary self._instruments = inst_dict # All the radii will be in degrees, but I'll grab it dynamically anyway self._rad_unit = spectra[0].inner_rad.unit # I want to grab the radii out of the spectra, then put them in order, just so I have them radii = sorted(list(set([s.inner_rad for s in spectra] + [s.outer_rad for s in spectra]))) self._radii = Quantity([r.value for r in radii], self._rad_unit) self._ann_centres = Quantity([(self._radii[r_ind] + self._radii[r_ind + 1]) / 2 for r_ind in range(len(self._radii) - 1)], self._rad_unit) if self.radii[0].value == 0: self._ann_centres[0] = 0 # This can be set through a property, as products shouldn't have any knowledge of their source # other than the name. And someone might define one of these source-lessly. It will contain radii # which are proper, not in degrees self._proper_radii = None self._proper_ann_centres = None # Finally storing the spectra inside the product, though with multiple layers of products # This sets up the component products dictionary, allowing for the separated storage of # spectra from different ObsIDs self._component_products = {ai: {o: {i: None for i in self._instruments[o]} for o in self.obs_ids} for ai in range(self._num_ann)} self._component_products = {o: {i: {ai: None for ai in range(self._num_ann)} for i in self._instruments[o]} for o in self.obs_ids} # And putting the spectra in their place for s in spectra: self._component_products[s.obs_id][s.instrument][s.annulus_ident] = s # Run through all the spectra associated with this AnnularSpectra and see if they are usable self._all_usable = all(s.usable for s in self.all_spectra) # This set of properties describe the configuration of evselect/specgroup during generation. I take # properties from the first spectra in the list because they're all part of the same set, so were # generated with the same settings self._grouped = spectra[0].grouped self._min_counts = spectra[0].min_counts self._min_sn = spectra[0].min_sn if self._grouped and self._min_counts is not None: self._grouped_on = 'counts' elif self._grouped and self._min_sn is not None: self._grouped_on = 'signal to noise' else: self._grouped_on = None # The RA-Dec coordinates that this set of spectra are centred on self._central_coord = spectra[0].central_coord # Not to do with grouping, but this states the level of oversampling requested from evselect self._over_sample = spectra[0].over_sample # Here we generate the storage key for this object, its just convenient to do it in here # Sets up the extra part of the storage key name depending on if grouping is enabled if self._grouped and self._min_counts is not None: extra_name = "_mincnt{}".format(self._min_counts) elif self._grouped and self._min_sn is not None: extra_name = "_minsn{}".format(self._min_sn) else: extra_name = '' # And if it was oversampled during generation then we need to include that as well if self._over_sample is not None: extra_name += "_ovsamp{ov}".format(ov=self._over_sample) # Combines the annular radii into a string ann_rad_str = "_".join(self._radii.value.astype(str)) spec_storage_name = "ra{ra}_dec{dec}_ar{ar}_grp{gr}" spec_storage_name = spec_storage_name.format(ra=self.central_coord[0].value, dec=self.central_coord[1].value, ar=ann_rad_str, gr=self._grouped) spec_storage_name += extra_name # And we save the completed key to an attribute self._storage_key = spec_storage_name # Now for a very important step, all the constituent spectra need to know that their new background # spectrum is the one from the outermost annulus. I have added a method to this class to find the correct # file for an ObsID and instrument, and apparently past me added a property setter to the Spectrum class # will automatically push the change to the file headers, so that is handy for s in self.all_spectra: s.background = self.background(s.obs_id, s.instrument) # Setting up attributes that allow for the storage of final fit results within this class, very similar # to how they're stored in a source object. This makes sense here because an AnnularSpectra is an # aggregate product of all the relevant spectra. All fit results are stored on annular basis, then most # will have different entries for different models # The total exposure of the combined spectra, will be overwritten if multiple models are fit, but # as its a property of the spectra and not the fit it should always be the same self._total_exp = {ai: None for ai in range(self._num_ann)} # These will be stored on a per model basis self._total_count_rate = {ai: {} for ai in range(self._num_ann)} self._test_stat = {ai: {} for ai in range(self._num_ann)} self._dof = {ai: {} for ai in range(self._num_ann)} # Finally the most important outputs, the fit results and luminosities. There obviously is some data # duplication here with the source, but this will be so convenient I don't care self._fit_results = {ai: {} for ai in range(self._num_ann)} self._luminosities = {ai: {} for ai in range(self._num_ann)} # Observation order for an annulus describes, for results with multiple entries like normalisation can if # it is not linked across multiple spectra during fitting, what order the fit results are in. self._obs_order = {ai: {} for ai in range(self._num_ann)} # The src_name setter and getter have been overridden because there is an easier way of setting # the source name for all spectra @property def src_name(self) -> str: """ Method to return the name of the object a product is associated with. The product becomes aware of this once it is added to a source object. :return: The name of the source object this product is associated with. :rtype: str """ return self._src_name @src_name.setter def src_name(self, name: str): """ Property setter for the src_name attribute of a product, should only really be called by a source object, not by a user. :param str name: The name of the source object associated with this product. """ self._src_name = name for p in self.all_spectra: p.src_name = name @property def central_coord(self) -> Quantity: """ This property provides the central coordinates (RA-Dec) that this set of spectra was generated around. :return: Astropy quantity object containing the central coordinate in degrees. :rtype: Quantity """ return self._central_coord @property def num_annuli(self) -> int: """ A property getter for the number of annular spectra. :return: The number of annular spectra associated with this product. :rtype: int """ return self._num_ann
[docs] def background(self, obs_id: str, inst: str) -> str: """ This method returns the path to the background spectrum for a particular ObsID and instrument. It is the background associated with the outermost annulus of this object. :param str obs_id: The ObsID to get the background spectrum for. :param str inst: The instrument to get the background spectrum for. :return: Path of the background spectrum. :rtype: str """ return self.get_spectra(self._num_ann-1, obs_id, inst).background
[docs] def background_rmf(self, obs_id: str, inst: str) -> str: """ This method returns the path to the background spectrum's RMF for a particular ObsID and instrument. It is the RMF of the background associated with the outermost annulus of this object. :param str obs_id: The ObsID to get the background spectrum's RMF for. :param str inst: The instrument to get the background spectrum' RMF for. :return: Path of the background spectrum RMF. :rtype: str """ return self.get_spectra(self._num_ann-1, obs_id, inst).background_rmf
[docs] def background_arf(self, obs_id: str, inst: str) -> str: """ This method returns the path to the background spectrum's ARF for a particular ObsID and instrument. It is the ARF of the background associated with the outermost annulus of this object. :param str obs_id: The ObsID to get the background spectrum's ARF for. :param str inst: The instrument to get the background spectrum' ARF for. :return: Path of the background spectrum ARF. :rtype: str """ return self.get_spectra(self._num_ann - 1, obs_id, inst).background_arf
@property def obs_ids(self) -> list: """ A property of this spectrum set that details which ObsIDs have contributed spectra to this object. :return: A list of ObsIDs. containing instruments associated with those ObsIDs. :rtype: dict """ return list(self._instruments.keys()) @property def instruments(self) -> dict: """ A property of this spectrum set that details which ObsIDs and instruments have contributed spectra to this object. :return: A dictionary of lists, with the top level keys being ObsIDs, and the lists containing instruments associated with those ObsIDs. :rtype: dict """ return self._instruments
[docs] def get_spectra(self, annulus_ident, obs_id: str = None, inst: str = None) -> Union[List[Spectrum], Spectrum]: """ This is the getter for the spectra stored in the AnnularSpectra data storage structure. They can be retrieved based on annulus identifier, ObsID, and instrument. :param int annulus_ident: The annulus identifier to retrieve spectra for. :param str obs_id: Optionally, a specific obs_id to search for can be supplied. :param str inst: Optionally, a specific instrument to search for can be supplied. :return: List of matching spectra, or just a Spectrum object if one match is found. :rtype: Union[List[Spectrum], Spectrum] """ def unpack_list(to_unpack: list): """ A recursive function to go through every layer of a nested list and flatten it all out. It doesn't return anything because to make life easier the 'results' are appended to a variable in the namespace above this one. :param list to_unpack: The list that needs unpacking. """ # Must iterate through the given list for entry in to_unpack: # If the current element is not a list then all is chill, this element is ready for appending # to the final list if not isinstance(entry, list): out.append(entry) else: # If the current element IS a list, then obviously we still have more unpacking to do, # so we call this function recursively. unpack_list(entry) if annulus_ident not in np.array(range(0, self._num_ann)): ann_str = ", ".join(np.array(range(0, self._num_ann)).astype(str)) raise IndexError("{i} is not an annulus ID associated with this AnnularSpectra object. " "Allowed annulus IDs are; {a}".format(i=annulus_ident, a=ann_str)) elif obs_id not in self._component_products and obs_id is not None: raise NotAssociatedError("{0} is not associated with this AnnularSpectra.".format(obs_id)) elif (obs_id is not None and obs_id in self._component_products) and \ (inst is not None and inst not in self._component_products[obs_id]): raise NotAssociatedError("Instrument {1} is not associated with {0}".format(obs_id, inst)) matches = [] for match in dict_search(annulus_ident, self._component_products): out = [] unpack_list(match) if (obs_id == out[0] or obs_id is None) and (inst == out[1] or inst is None): matches.append(out[-1]) # Here I only return the object if one match was found if len(matches) == 1: matches = matches[0] return matches
@property def all_spectra(self) -> List[Spectrum]: """ Simple extra wrapper for get_spectra that allows the user to retrieve every single spectrum associated with this AnnularSpectra instance, for all annulus IDs. :return: A list of every single spectrum associated with this object. :rtype: List[Spectrum] """ all_spec = [] for ann_i in range(self._num_ann): # If there is only one spectrum per annulus then get_spectra will just return an object ann_spec = self.get_spectra(ann_i) if isinstance(ann_spec, Spectrum): ann_spec = [ann_spec] all_spec += ann_spec return all_spec @property def radii(self) -> Quantity: """ A property to return all the boundary radii of the constituent annuli. :return: Astropy quantity of the radii. :rtype: Quantity """ return self._radii @property def annulus_centres(self) -> Quantity: """ Returns the centres of all the annuli, in the original units the radii were passed in with. :return: An astropy quantity containing radii. :rtype: Quantity """ return self._ann_centres @property def proper_radii(self) -> Quantity: """ A property to return the boundary radii of the constituent annuli in kpc. This has to be set using the setter first, otherwise the value is None. :return: Astropy quantity of the proper radii. :rtype: Quantity """ if self._proper_radii is not None: to_return ='kpc') else: to_return = self._proper_radii return to_return @proper_radii.setter def proper_radii(self, new_vals: Quantity): """ A setter for the proper radii property. :param Quantity new_vals: The new values for proper radii, must be convertible to kpc. """ if not new_vals.unit.is_equivalent('kpc'): raise UnitConversionError("Proper radii passed into this object must be convertable to kpc.") elif new_vals.isscalar: raise ValueError("A radii quantity for an AnnularSpectra object cannot be scalar") elif len(new_vals) != len(self._radii): raise ValueError("The proper radii quantity you have passed isn't the same length as the radii " "attribute of this object, there should be {} entries.".format(len(self._radii))) self._proper_radii = new_vals pr = self.proper_radii.value # Minds the mid points of the annular boundaries - the centres of the bins mid_radii = [(pr[r_ind] + pr[r_ind + 1]) / 2 for r_ind in range(len(pr) - 1)] # Makes mid_radii a quantity self._proper_ann_centres = Quantity(mid_radii, new_vals.unit) if self.proper_radii[0].value == 0: self._proper_ann_centres[0] = 0 @property def proper_annulus_centres(self) -> Quantity: """ Returns the centres of all the annuli, in the units of proper radii which the user has to have set through the property setter. :return: An astropy quantity containing radii, or None if no proper radii exist :rtype: Quantity """ return self._proper_ann_centres @property def set_ident(self) -> int: """ This property returns the ID of this set of spectra. :return: The integer ID of this set. :rtype: int """ return self._set_id @property def storage_key(self) -> str: """ This property returns the storage key which this object assembles to place the AnnularSpectra in an XGA source's storage structure. The key is based on the properties of the AnnularSpectra, and some of the configuration options, and is basically human readable. :return: String storage key. :rtype: str """ return self._storage_key @property def grouped(self) -> bool: """ A property stating whether SAS was told to group the spectra in this set during generation or not. :return: Boolean variable describing whether the spectra are grouped or not :rtype: bool """ return self._grouped @property def grouped_on(self) -> str: """ A property stating what metric the spectra in this set were grouped on. :return: String representation of the metric the spectra were grouped on (None if not grouped). :rtype: str """ return self._grouped_on @property def min_counts(self) -> int: """ A property stating the minimum number of counts allowed in a grouped channel for the spectra in this set. :return: The integer minimum number of counts per grouped channel (if these spectra were grouped on minimum numbers of counts). :rtype: int """ return self._min_counts @property def min_sn(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ A property stating the minimum signal to noise allowed in a grouped channel for the spectra in this set. :return: The minimum signal to noise per grouped channel (if these spectra were grouped on minimum signal to noise). :rtype: Union[float, int] """ return self._min_sn @property def over_sample(self) -> float: """ A property string stating the amount of oversampling applied by evselect during the generation of the spectra in this set. e.g. if over_sample=3 then the minimum width of a group is 1/3 of the resolution FWHM at that energy. :return: Oversampling applied during generation. :rtype: float """ return self._over_sample
[docs] def add_fit_data(self, model: str, tab_line: dict, lums: dict, obs_order: dict): """ An equivelant to the add_fit_data method built into all source objects. The final fit results and luminosities are housed in a storage structure within the AnnularSpectra, which makes sense because this is an aggregate product of all the relevant spectra, storing them just as source objects store spectra that don't exist in a spectrum set. :param str model: The XSPEC definition of the model used to perform the fit. e.g. constant*tbabs*apec :param tab_line: A dictionary of table lines with fit data, the keys of the dictionary being the relevant annulus ID for the fit. :param dict lums: A dictionary of the luminosities measured during the fits, the keys of the outermost dictionary being annulus IDs, and the luminosity dictionaries being energy based. :param dict obs_order: A dictionary (with keys being annuli idents) of lists of lists describing the order the data is being passed, so that specific results can be related back to specific observations later (if applicable). The lists should be structured like [[obsid1, inst1], [obsid1, inst2], [obsid1, inst3]] for instance. """ # Just headers that will always be present in tab_line that are not fit parameters not_par = ['MODEL', 'TOTAL_EXPOSURE', 'TOTAL_COUNT_RATE', 'TOTAL_COUNT_RATE_ERR', 'NUM_UNLINKED_THAWED_VARS', 'FIT_STATISTIC', 'TEST_STATISTIC', 'DOF'] # Checking that we have the expected amount of data passed in if len(tab_line) != self._num_ann: raise ValueError("The dictionary passed in with the fit results in it does not have the same" " number of entries as there are annuli.") elif len(lums) != self._num_ann: raise ValueError("The dictionary passed in with the luminosities in it does not have the same" " number of entries as there are annuli.") for ai in range(0, self._num_ann): # Various global values of interest self._total_exp[ai] = float(tab_line[ai]["TOTAL_EXPOSURE"]) self._total_count_rate[ai][model] = [float(tab_line[ai]["TOTAL_COUNT_RATE"]), float(tab_line[ai]["TOTAL_COUNT_RATE_ERR"])] self._test_stat[ai][model] = float(tab_line[ai]["TEST_STATISTIC"]) self._dof[ai][model] = float(tab_line[ai]["DOF"]) self._obs_order[ai][model] = obs_order[ai] # The parameters available will obviously be dynamic, so have to find out what they are and then # then for each result find the +- errors. par_headers = [n for n in tab_line[ai].dtype.names if n not in not_par] mod_res = {} for par in par_headers: # The parameter name and the parameter index used by XSPEC are separated by | par_info = par.split("|") par_name = par_info[0] # The parameter index can also have an - or + after it if the entry in question is an uncertainty if par_info[1][-1] == "-": ident = par_info[1][:-1] pos = 1 elif par_info[1][-1] == "+": ident = par_info[1][:-1] pos = 2 else: ident = par_info[1] pos = 0 # Sets up the dictionary structure for the results if par_name not in mod_res: mod_res[par_name] = {ident: [0, 0, 0]} elif ident not in mod_res[par_name]: mod_res[par_name][ident] = [0, 0, 0] mod_res[par_name][ident][pos] = float(tab_line[ai][par]) # Storing the fit results self._fit_results[ai][model] = mod_res # And now storing the luminosity results self._luminosities[ai][model] = lums[ai]
[docs] def get_results(self, annulus_ident: int, model: str, par: str = None): """ Important method that will retrieve fit results from the AnnularSpectra object. Either for a specific parameter of the supplied model combination, or for all of them. If a specific parameter is requested, all matching values from the fit will be returned in an N row, 3 column numpy array (column 0 is the value, column 1 is err-, and column 2 is err+). If no parameter is specified, the return will be a dictionary of such numpy arrays, with the keys corresponding to parameter names. :param int annulus_ident: The annulus for which you wish to retrieve the fit results. :param str model: The name of the fitted model that you're requesting the results from (e.g. constant*tbabs*apec). :param str par: The name of the parameter you want a result for. :return: The requested result value, and uncertainties. """ if annulus_ident < 0: raise ValueError("Annulus IDs can only be positive.") elif annulus_ident >= self.num_annuli: raise ValueError("Annulus indexing starts at zero, and this AnnularSpectra only has {} " "annuli.".format(self._num_ann)) # Bunch of checks to make sure the requested results actually exist if len(self._fit_results[annulus_ident]) == 0: raise ModelNotAssociatedError("There are no XSPEC fits associated with this AnnularSpectra object") elif model not in self._fit_results[annulus_ident]: av_mods = ", ".join(self._fit_results[annulus_ident].keys()) raise ModelNotAssociatedError("{m} has not been fitted to this AnnularSpectra; available " "models are {a}".format(m=model, a=av_mods)) elif par is not None and par not in self._fit_results[annulus_ident][model]: av_pars = ", ".join(self._fit_results[annulus_ident][model].keys()) raise ParameterNotAssociatedError("{p} was not a free parameter in the {m} fit to this AnnularSpectra; " "available parameters are {a}".format(p=par, m=model, a=av_pars)) # Read out into variable for readabilities sake fit_data = self._fit_results[annulus_ident][model] proc_data = {} # Where the output will ive for p_key in fit_data: # Used to shape the numpy array the data is transferred into num_entries = len(fit_data[p_key]) # 'Empty' new array to write out the results into, done like this because results are stored # in nested dictionaries with their XSPEC parameter number as an extra key new_data = np.zeros((num_entries, 3)) # If a parameter is unlinked in a fit with multiple spectra (like normalisation for instance), # there can be N entries for the same parameter, writing them out in order to a numpy array for incr, par_index in enumerate(fit_data[p_key]): new_data[incr, :] = fit_data[p_key][par_index] # Just makes the output a little nicer if there is only one entry if new_data.shape[0] == 1: proc_data[p_key] = new_data[0] else: proc_data[p_key] = new_data # If no specific parameter was requested, the user gets all of them if par is None: return proc_data else: return proc_data[par]
[docs] def get_luminosities(self, annulus_ident: int, model: str, lo_en: Quantity = None, hi_en: Quantity = None) \ -> Union[Quantity, Dict[str, Quantity]]: """ This will retrieve luminosities of specific annuli from fits performed on this AnnularSpectra object. A model name must be supplied, and if a luminosity from a specific energy range is desired then lower and upper energy bounds may be passed. :param int annulus_ident: The annulus for which you wish to retrieve the luminosities. :param str model: The name of the fitted model that you're requesting the results from (e.g. constant*tbabs*apec). :param Quantity lo_en: The lower energy limit for the desired luminosity measurement. :param Quantity hi_en: The upper energy limit for the desired luminosity measurement. :return: The requested luminosity value, and uncertainties. If a specific energy range has been supplied then a quantity containing the value (col 1), -err (col 2), and +err (col 3), will be returned. If no energy range is supplied then a dictionary of all available luminosity quantities will be returned. :rtype: Union[Quantity, Dict[str, Quantity]] """ # Checking the input energy limits are valid, and assembles the key to look for lums in those energy # bounds. If the limits are none then so is the energy key if all([lo_en is not None, hi_en is not None]) and lo_en > hi_en: raise ValueError("The low energy limit cannot be greater than the high energy limit") elif all([lo_en is not None, hi_en is not None]): en_key = "bound_{l}-{u}".format("keV").value,"keV").value) else: en_key = None # Checks that the requested region, model and energy band actually exist if len(self._luminosities[annulus_ident]) == 0: raise ModelNotAssociatedError("There are no XSPEC fits associated with this AnnularSpectra") elif model not in self._luminosities[annulus_ident]: av_mods = ", ".join(self._luminosities[annulus_ident].keys()) raise ModelNotAssociatedError("{m} has not been fitted to this AnnularSpectra; " "available models are {a}".format(m=model, a=av_mods)) elif en_key is not None and en_key not in self._luminosities[annulus_ident][model]: av_bands = ", ".join([en.split("_")[-1] + "keV" for en in self._luminosities[annulus_ident][model].keys()]) raise ParameterNotAssociatedError("A luminosity within {l}-{u}keV was not measured for the fit " "with {m}; available energy bands are " "{b}".format("keV").value,"keV").value, m=model, b=av_bands)) # If no limits specified,the user gets all the luminosities, otherwise they get the one they asked for if en_key is None: parsed_lums = {} for lum_key in self._luminosities[annulus_ident][model]: lum_value = self._luminosities[annulus_ident][model][lum_key] parsed_lum = Quantity([lum.value for lum in lum_value], lum_value[0].unit) parsed_lums[lum_key] = parsed_lum return parsed_lums else: lum_value = self._luminosities[annulus_ident][model][en_key] parsed_lum = Quantity([lum.value for lum in lum_value], lum_value[0].unit) return parsed_lum
[docs] def generate_profile(self, model: str, par: str, par_unit: Union[Unit, str], upper_limit: Quantity = None) \ -> Union[BaseProfile1D, ProjectedGasTemperature1D, ProjectedGasMetallicity1D]: """ This generates a radial profile of the requested fit parameter using the stored results from an XSPEC model fit run on this AnnularSpectra. The profile is added to AnnularSpectra internal storage, and also returned to the user. :param str model: The name of the fitted model you wish to generate a profile from. :param str par: The name of the free model parameter that you wish to generate a profile for. :param Unit/str par_unit: The unit of the free model parameter as an astropy unit object, or a string representation (e.g. keV). :param Quantity upper_limit: Allows an allowed upper limit for the y values in the profile to be passed. :return: The requested profile object. :rtype: Union[BaseProfile1D, ProjectedGasTemperature1D, ProjectedGasMetallicity1D] """ # If a string representation was passed, we make it an astropy unit if isinstance(par_unit, str): par_unit = Unit(par_unit) if self.proper_radii is None: raise UnitConversionError("Currently proper radius units are required to generate " "profiles, please assign some using the proper_radii property.") par_data = {} for ai in range(self._num_ann): # We read it out into an interim parameter cur_data = self.get_results(ai, model, par) # In cases where the parameter in question wasn't linked across separate spectra there will be a # measurement for each spectrum per annulus if cur_data.ndim != 1: # There are multiple values available here, and we want to sort them out into the ObsID-instrument # combinations obs_order = self._obs_order[ai][model] for i in range(cur_data.shape[0]): obs_inst = "-".join(obs_order[i]) # This was we create a profile for each ObsID-Instrument combination if obs_inst not in par_data: par_data[obs_inst] = [cur_data[i, :]] else: par_data[obs_inst].append(cur_data[i, :]) # If the quantity of interest was linked across spectra then we just store it under a 'combined' key elif cur_data.ndim == 1 and 'combined' not in par_data: par_data['combined'] = [cur_data] elif cur_data.ndim == 1 and 'combined' in par_data: par_data['combined'].append(cur_data) # For storing the profiles generated here profs = [] # If there is only one profile to be generated (which means the quantity of interest was linked across # spectra during the fit), then this will just iterate once and obs_key will be combined for obs_key in par_data: # Just makes the read out values into an astropy quantity par_quant = Quantity(par_data[obs_key], par_unit) par_val = par_quant[:, 0] # Extract the parameter uncertainties, and average because profiles currently only accept 1D errors par_errs = par_quant[:, 1:] par_errs = np.average(par_errs, axis=1) mid_radii ="kpc") mid_radii_deg ="deg") # calculates radii errors, basically the extent of the bins rad_errors = Quantity(np.diff('kpc').value, axis=0) / 2, 'kpc') # Here we set up the ObsID and instrument information if obs_key == 'combined': obs_id = 'combined' inst = 'combined' else: # The obs key was made up of the ObsID and instrument joined by a - obs_id, inst = obs_key.split('-') try: if par == 'kT' and upper_limit is None: new_prof = ProjectedGasTemperature1D(mid_radii, par_val, self.central_coord, self.src_name, obs_id, inst, rad_errors, par_errs, associated_set_id=self.set_ident, set_storage_key=self.storage_key, deg_radii=mid_radii_deg) elif par == 'kT' and upper_limit is not None: new_prof = ProjectedGasTemperature1D(mid_radii, par_val, self.central_coord, self.src_name, obs_id, inst, rad_errors, par_errs, upper_limit, self.set_ident, self.storage_key, deg_radii=mid_radii_deg) elif par == 'Abundanc': new_prof = ProjectedGasMetallicity1D(mid_radii, par_val, self.central_coord, self.src_name, obs_id, inst, rad_errors, par_errs, self.set_ident, self.storage_key, mid_radii_deg) elif par == 'norm': new_prof = APECNormalisation1D(mid_radii, par_val, self.central_coord, self.src_name, obs_id, inst, rad_errors, par_errs, self.set_ident, self.storage_key, mid_radii_deg) else: prof_type = "1d_proj_{}" new_prof = Generic1D(mid_radii, par_val, self.central_coord, self.src_name, obs_id, inst, par, prof_type.format(par), rad_errors, par_errs, self.set_ident, self.storage_key, mid_radii_deg) profs.append(new_prof) # This gets triggered if any funny values are present in the quantities passed to the profile declaration. # Infinite/NaN values, negative errors (which can happen in XSPEC fits) etc. except ValueError: profs.append(None) if len(profs) == 1: profs = profs[0] return profs
[docs] def view_annulus(self, ann_ident: int, model: str, figsize: Tuple = (12, 8)): """ An equivelant to the Spectrum view method, but allows all spectra from the same annulus to be displayed on the same axis. :param int ann_ident: The integer identifier of the annulus you wish to see spectra for. :param str model: The fitted model to display on the data. :param tuple figsize: The size of the plot. """ # Grabs the relevant spectra using the annular ident rel_spec = self.get_spectra(ann_ident) # Sets up a matplotlib figure plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # Set the plot up to look nice and professional. ax = plt.gca() ax.minorticks_on() ax.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', which='both', top=True, right=True) # Set the title with all relevant information about the spectrum object in it plt.title("{n} - Annulus {num}".format(n=self.src_name, num=ann_ident)) # Boolean flag to check if any spectra have plot data, for the end of this method anything_plotted = False # Set up lists to store the model line and data plot handlers, so legends for fit and data can be put on # the same line mod_handlers = [] plot_handlers = [] # This stores the legend labels labels = [] # Iterate through all matching spectra for spec in rel_spec: # This grabs the plot data if available try: all_plot_data = spec.get_plot_data(model) anything_plotted = True except ModelNotAssociatedError: continue # Gets x data and model data plot_x = all_plot_data["x"] plot_mod = all_plot_data["model"] # These are used as plot limits on the x axis lo_en = plot_x.min() hi_en = plot_x.max() # Grabs y data + errors plot_y = all_plot_data["y"] plot_xerr = all_plot_data["x_err"] plot_yerr = all_plot_data["y_err"] # Plots the actual data, with errorbars cur_plot = plt.errorbar(plot_x, plot_y, xerr=plot_xerr, yerr=plot_yerr, fmt="+", label="{o}-{i}".format(o=spec.obs_id, i=spec.instrument), zorder=1) # The model line is put on cur_mod = plt.plot(plot_x, plot_mod, label=model, linewidth=2, color=cur_plot[0].get_color())[0] mod_handlers.append(cur_mod) plot_handlers.append(cur_plot) labels.append("{o}-{i}".format(o=spec.obs_id, i=spec.instrument)) # Sets up the legend so that matching data point and models are on the same line in the legend ax.legend(handles=zip(plot_handlers, mod_handlers), labels=labels, handler_map={tuple: legend_handler.HandlerTuple(None)}, loc='best') # Ensure axis is limited to the chosen energy range plt.xlim(lo_en, hi_en) # Just sets how the figure looks with axis labels plt.xlabel("Energy [keV]") plt.ylabel("Normalised Counts s$^{-1}$ keV$^{-1}$") ax.set_xscale("log") ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda inp, _: '{:g}'.format(inp))) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda inp, _: '{:g}'.format(inp))) plt.tight_layout() # Display the spectrum if anything_plotted: else: warnings.warn("There are no {m} XSPEC fits associated with this AnnularSpectra, so you can't view " "it".format(m=model)) # Wipe the figure plt.close("all")
[docs] def view_annuli(self, obs_id: str, inst: str, model: str, figsize: tuple = (12, 8), elevation_angle: int = 30, azimuthal_angle: int = -60): """ This view method is one of several in the AnnularSpectra class, and will display data and associated model fits for a single ObsID-Instrument combination for all annuli in this AnnularSpectra, in a 3D plot. The output of this can be quite visually confusing, so you may wish to use view_annulus to see the spectrum of a particular annulus for a particular ObsID-Instrument in a more traditional way, or just view to see all model fits at all annuli. :param str obs_id: The ObsID of the spectra to display. :param str inst: The instrument of the spectra to display. :param str model: The model fit to display :param tuple figsize: The size of the figure. :param int elevation_angle: The elevation angle in the z plane, in degrees. :param int azimuthal_angle: The azimuth angle in the x,y plane, in degrees. """ # Setup the figure as we normally would fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # This subplot with a 3D projection is what allows us to make a 3-axis plot ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # We use the user's passed in angle values to set the perspective that we have on the plot. ax.view_init(elevation_angle, azimuthal_angle) # Set a relevant title plt.title("{sn} - {o}-{i} Annular Spectra".format(sn=self.src_name, o=obs_id, i=inst)) # We iterate through all the annuli for ann_ident in range(0, self._num_ann): spec = self.get_spectra(ann_ident, obs_id, inst) # This checks that the requested model has actually been fitted to said spectrum try: all_plot_data = spec.get_plot_data(model) anything_plotted = True except ModelNotAssociatedError: continue # Gets x data and model data plot_x = all_plot_data["x"] plot_mod = all_plot_data["model"] # Depending on what radius information is available to this AnnularSpectra, depends which we use # We will always prefer to use proper radii if they are available if self.proper_radii is not None: # Need to set up an array for the y axis (the radius axis) which is the same dimensions # as the x and z arrays ys = np.full(shape=(len(plot_x),), fill_value=self.proper_annulus_centres[ann_ident].value) chosen_unit = self.proper_radii.unit else: ys = np.full(shape=(len(plot_x),), fill_value=self.annulus_centres[ann_ident].value) chosen_unit = self.radii.unit data_line = ax.plot(plot_x, ys, all_plot_data['y'], '+', alpha=0.5) mod_line = ax.plot(plot_x, ys, plot_mod, alpha=0.5, linewidth=2, color=data_line[0].get_color()) # Simply setting x-label and limits, don't currently scale this axis with log (though I would like to), # because the 3D version of matplotlib doesn't easily support it ax.set_xlabel("Energy [keV]") ax.set_xlim3d(plot_x.min(), plot_x.max()) # Setting the lower limit of the z axis to zero, but leaving the top end open ax.set_zlim3d(0) ax.set_zlabel("Normalised Counts s$^{-1}$ keV$^{-1}$") # Setting up y label (with dynamic unit) and the correct radius limits ax.set_ylabel("Radius [{u}]".format(u=chosen_unit.to_string())) if self.proper_radii is not None: y_lims = [self.proper_annulus_centres.value[0], self.proper_radii.value[-1]] else: y_lims = [self.annulus_centres.value[0], self.proper_radii.value[-1]] ax.set_ylim3d(y_lims) if anything_plotted: # Sets up the legend so that matching data point and models are on the same line in the legend labels = ["{o}-{i} Data".format(o=obs_id, i=inst), "{o}-{i} Folded Model".format(o=obs_id, i=inst)] ax.legend(handles=[data_line[0], mod_line[0]], labels=labels, handler_map={tuple: legend_handler.HandlerTuple(None)}, loc='best') plt.tight_layout() else: warnings.warn("There are no {m} XSPEC fits associated with this AnnularSpectra, so you can't view " "it".format(m=model)) plt.close('all')
[docs] def view(self, model: str, figsize: tuple = (12, 8), elevation_angle: int = 30, azimuthal_angle: int = -60): """ This view method is one of several in the AnnularSpectra class, and will display model fits to all spectra for each annuli in a 3D plot. No data is displayed in this viewing method, primarily because its so visually confusing. If you wish to see model fits displayed over actual data in this style, please use view_annuli. :param str model: The model fit to display :param tuple figsize: The size of the figure. :param int elevation_angle: The elevation angle in the z plane, in degrees. :param int azimuthal_angle: The azimuth angle in the x,y plane, in degrees. """ # This is a complete bodge, but just putting it here stops my IDE (PyCharm), from removing the import when it # commits, because its trying to be clever. Its a behaviour I normally appreciate, but not here. Axes3D # Setup the figure as we normally would fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # This subplot with a 3D projection is what allows us to make a 3-axis plot ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # We use the user's passed in angle values to set the perspective that we have on the plot. ax.view_init(elevation_angle, azimuthal_angle) # Set a relevant title plt.title("{sn} - Annular Spectra Folded Models".format(sn=self.src_name)) # The colour dictionary is to store a colour for a specific ObsID-instrument combo once its # first been plotted - this is because we want the same ObsID-instrument combos to have the same colours # for all annuli colour_dict = {} # Set up lists to hold line handlers and labels for the legend we add at the end handlers = [] labels = [] # We iterate through all the annuli for ann_ident in range(0, self._num_ann): # Remember the instruments property is a dictionary of ObsID: {instruments}, which is why we do a nested # for loop like we do here for o in self.instruments: if o not in colour_dict: colour_dict[o] = {} for i in self.instruments[o]: # If we've not gone over this instrument for this ObsID before, we need to add it to # the colour dictionary for the current ObsID if i not in colour_dict[o]: colour_dict[o][i] = None # Simply grabbing the single spectrum which is from the current ObsID and instrument, and is for # the current annulus spec = self.get_spectra(ann_ident, o, i) # This checks that the requested model has actually been fitted to said spectrum try: all_plot_data = spec.get_plot_data(model) anything_plotted = True except ModelNotAssociatedError: continue # Gets x data and model data plot_x = all_plot_data["x"] plot_mod = all_plot_data["model"] # Depending on what radius information is available to this AnnularSpectra, depends which we use # We will always prefer to use proper radii if they are available if self.proper_radii is not None: # Need to set up an array for the y axis (the radius axis) which is the same dimensions # as the x and z arrays ys = np.full(shape=(len(plot_x), ), fill_value=self.proper_annulus_centres[ann_ident].value) chosen_unit = self.proper_radii.unit else: ys = np.full(shape=(len(plot_x), ), fill_value=self.annulus_centres[ann_ident].value) chosen_unit = self.radii.unit # If we've not already plotted a line for this ObsID-Instrument combo, the behaviour is different if colour_dict[o][i] is None: mod_line = ax.plot(plot_x, ys, plot_mod, alpha=0.6, linewidth=1.5) # We add the colour chosen by the colour cycle to our colour dict colour_dict[o][i] = mod_line[0].get_color() # Also add the line object to the handlers list and a label to the labels list - this # only needs to happen once because we only want one entry in the legend per # ObsID-Instrument combo handlers.append(mod_line[0]) labels.append("{o}-{i}".format(o=spec.obs_id, i=spec.instrument)) else: ax.plot(plot_x, ys, plot_mod, color=colour_dict[o][i], alpha=0.6, linewidth=1.5) # Simply setting x-label and limits, don't currently scale this axis with log (though I would like to), # because the 3D version of matplotlib doesn't easily support it ax.set_xlabel("Energy [keV]") ax.set_xlim3d(plot_x.min(), plot_x.max()) # Setting the lower limit of the z axis to zero, but leaving the top end open ax.set_zlim3d(0) ax.set_zlabel("Normalised Counts s$^{-1}$ keV$^{-1}$") # Setting up y label (with dynamic unit) and the correct radius limits ax.set_ylabel("Radius [{u}]".format(u=chosen_unit.to_string())) if self.proper_radii is not None: y_lims = [self.proper_annulus_centres.value[0], self.proper_radii.value[-1]] else: y_lims = [self.annulus_centres.value[0], self.proper_radii.value[-1]] ax.set_ylim3d(y_lims) # Sets up the legend so that matching data point and models are on the same line in the legend ax.legend(handles=handlers, labels=labels, handler_map={tuple: legend_handler.HandlerTuple(None)}, loc='best') plt.tight_layout() if anything_plotted: else: warnings.warn("There are no {m} XSPEC fits associated with this AnnularSpectra, so you can't view " "it".format(m=model)) plt.close('all')
def __len__(self) -> int: """ The length of a AnnularSpectra is the number of annuli, so essentially a proxy for num_annuli. :return: The num_annuli property. :rtype: int """ return self._num_ann def __getitem__(self, ind): return self.all_spectra[ind]