Source code for xga.products.profile

#  This code is a part of XMM: Generate and Analyse (XGA), a module designed for the XMM Cluster Survey (XCS).
#  Last modified by David J Turner ( 15/06/2021, 16:59. Copyright (c) David J Turner
from copy import copy
from typing import Tuple, Union, List
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import k_B, G, m_p
from astropy.units import Quantity, UnitConversionError, Unit
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from ..exceptions import ModelNotAssociatedError, XGAInvalidModelError, XGAFitError
from ..models import PROF_TYPE_MODELS, BaseModel1D
from ..products.base import BaseProfile1D
from ..products.phot import RateMap
from ..sourcetools.deproj import shell_ann_vol_intersect
from ..sourcetools.misc import ang_to_rad

[docs]class SurfaceBrightness1D(BaseProfile1D): """ This class provides an interface to radially symmetric X-ray surface brightness profiles of extended objects. """ def __init__(self, rt: RateMap, radii: Quantity, values: Quantity, centre: Quantity, pix_step: int, min_snr: float, outer_rad: Quantity, radii_err: Quantity = None, values_err: Quantity = None, background: Quantity = None, pixel_bins: np.ndarray = None, back_pixel_bin: np.ndarray = None, ann_areas: Quantity = None, deg_radii: Quantity = None, min_snr_succeeded: bool = True): """ A subclass of BaseProfile1D, designed to store and analyse surface brightness radial profiles of Galaxy Clusters. Allows for the viewing, fitting of the profile. :param RateMap rt: The RateMap from which this SB profile was generated. :param Quantity radii: The radii at which surface brightness has been measured. :param Quantity values: The surface brightnesses that have been measured. :param Quantity centre: The central coordinate the profile was generated from. :param int pix_step: The width of each annulus in pixels used to generate this profile. :param float min_snr: The minimum signal to noise imposed upon this profile. :param Quantity outer_rad: The outer radius of this profile. :param Quantity radii_err: Uncertainties on the radii. :param Quantity values_err: Uncertainties on the values. :param Quantity background: The background brightness value. :param np.ndarray pixel_bins: An optional argument that provides the pixel bins used to create the profile. :param np.ndarray back_pixel_bin: An optional argument that provides the pixel bin used for the background calculation of this profile. :param Quantity ann_areas: The area of the annuli. :param Quantity deg_radii: A slightly unfortunate variable that is required only if radii is not in units of degrees, or if no set_storage_key is passed. It should be a quantity containing the radii values converted to degrees, and allows this object to construct a predictable storage key. :param bool min_snr_succeeded: A boolean flag describing whether re-binning was successful or not. """ super().__init__(radii, values, centre, rt.src_name, rt.obs_id, rt.instrument, radii_err, values_err, deg_radii=deg_radii) if type(background) != Quantity: raise TypeError("The background variables must be an astropy quantity.") # Saves the reference to the RateMap this profile was generated from self._ratemap = rt # Set the internal type attribute to brightness profile self._prof_type = "brightness" # Setting the energy bounds self._energy_bounds = rt.energy_bounds # Check that the background passed by the user is the same unit as values if background is not None and background.unit == values.unit: self._background = background elif background is not None and background.unit != values.unit: raise UnitConversionError("The background unit must be the same as the values unit.") # If no background is passed then the internal background attribute stays at 0 as it was set in # BaseProfile1D # Useful quantities from generation of surface brightness profile self._pix_step = pix_step self._min_snr = min_snr # This is the type of compromise I make when I am utterly exhausted, I am just going to require this be in # degrees if not outer_rad.unit.is_equivalent('deg'): raise UnitConversionError("outer_rad must be convertible to degrees.") self._outer_rad = outer_rad # Describes whether minimum signal to noise re-binning was successful, we assume it is self._succeeded = min_snr_succeeded # Storing the pixel bins used to create this particular profile, if passed, None if not. self._pix_bins = pixel_bins # Storing the pixel bin for the background region self._back_pix_bin = back_pixel_bin # Storing the annular areas for this particular profile, if passed, None if not. self._areas = ann_areas # This is what the y-axis is labelled as during plotting self._y_axis_name = "Surface Brightness" en_key = "bound_{l}-{h}_".format(l=rt.energy_bounds[0].to('keV').value, h=rt.energy_bounds[1].to('keV').value) if rt.psf_corrected: psf_key = rt.psf_model + "_" + str(rt.psf_bins) + "_" + rt.psf_algorithm + str(rt.psf_iterations) + "_" else: psf_key = "_" ro ='deg').value self._storage_key = en_key + psf_key + "st{ps}_minsn{ms}_ro{ro}_".format(ps=int(pix_step), ms=min_snr, ro=ro) \ + self._storage_key @property def pix_step(self) -> int: """ Property that returns the integer pixel step size used to generate the annuli that make up this profile. :return: The pixel step used to generate the surface brightness profile. :rtype: int """ return self._pix_step @property def min_snr(self) -> float: """ Property that returns minimum signal to noise value that was imposed upon this profile during generation. :return: The minimum signal to noise value used to generate this profile. :rtype: float """ return self._min_snr @property def psf_corrected(self) -> bool: """ Tells the user (and XGA), whether the RateMap this brightness profile was generated from has been PSF corrected or not. :return: Boolean flag, True means this object has been PSF corrected, False means it hasn't :rtype: bool """ return self._ratemap.psf_corrected @property def psf_algorithm(self) -> Union[str, None]: """ If the RateMap this brightness profile was generated from has been PSF corrected, this property gives the name of the algorithm used. :return: The name of the algorithm used to correct for PSF effects, or None if there was no PSF correction. :rtype: Union[str, None] """ return self._ratemap.psf_algorithm @property def psf_bins(self) -> Union[int, None]: """ If the RateMap this brightness profile was generated from has been PSF corrected, this property gives the number of bins that the X and Y axes were divided into to generate the PSFGrid. :return: The number of bins in X and Y for which PSFs were generated, or None if the object hasn't been PSF corrected. :rtype: Union[int, None] """ return self._ratemap.psf_bins @property def psf_iterations(self) -> Union[int, None]: """ If the RateMap this brightness profile was generated from has been PSF corrected, this property gives the number of iterations that the algorithm went through. :return: The number of iterations the PSF correction algorithm went through, or None if there has been no PSF correction. :rtype: Union[int, None] """ return self._ratemap.psf_iterations @property def psf_model(self) -> Union[str, None]: """ If the RateMap this brightness profile was generated from has been PSF corrected, this property gives the name of the PSF model used. :return: The name of the PSF model used to correct for PSF effects, or None if there has been no PSF correction. :rtype: Union[str, None] """ return self._ratemap.psf_model @property def min_snr_succeeded(self) -> bool: """ If True then the minimum signal to noise re-binning that can be applied to surface brightness profiles by some functions was successful, if False then it failed and the profile with no re-binning is stored here. :return: A boolean flag describing whether re-binning was successful or not. :rtype: bool """ return self._succeeded @min_snr_succeeded.setter def min_snr_succeeded(self, new_val: bool): """ A setter for the minimum signal to noise re-binning success flag. If True then the minimum signal to noise re-binning that can be applied to surface brightness profiles by some functions was successful, if False then it failed and the profile with no re-binning is stored here. :param bool new_val: The new value of the boolean flag describing whether re-binning was successful or not. """ if not isinstance(new_val, bool): raise TypeError("min_snr_succeeded must be a boolean variable.") self._succeeded = new_val # This method means that a change has happened to the model, so it should be re-saved @property def pixel_bins(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The annuli radii used to generate this profile, assuming they were passed on initialisation, otherwise None. :return: Numpy array containing the pixel bins used to measure this radial brightness profile. :rtype: np.ndarray """ return self._pix_bins @property def back_pixel_bin(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The annulus used to measure the background for this profile, assuming they were passed on initialisation, otherwise None. :return: Numpy array containing the pixel bin used to measure the background. :rtype: np.ndarray """ return self._back_pix_bin @property def areas(self) -> Quantity: """ Returns the areas of the annuli used to make this profile as an astropy Quantity. :return: Astropy non-scalar quantity containing the areas. :rtype: Quantity """ return self._areas
[docs] def check_match(self, rt: RateMap, centre: Quantity, pix_step: int, min_snr: float, outer_rad: Quantity) -> bool: """ A method for external use to check whether this profile matches the requested configuration of surface brightness profile, put here just because I imagine it'll be used in quite a few places. :param RateMap rt: The RateMap to compare to this profile. :param Quantity centre: The central coordinate to compare to this profile. :param int pix_step: The width of each annulus in pixels to compare to this profile. :param float min_snr: The minimum signal to noise to compare to this profile. :param Quantity outer_rad: The outer radius to compare to this profile. :return: Whether this profile matches the passed parameters or not. :rtype: bool """ # Matching the passed RateMap to the internal RateMap is very powerful, as by definition it checks # all of the PSF related attributes. Don't need to directly compare the radii values either because # they are a combination of the other parameters here. if rt == self._ratemap and np.all(centre == self._centre) and pix_step == self._pix_step \ and min_snr == self._min_snr and outer_rad == self._outer_rad: match = True else: match = False return match
[docs]class GasMass1D(BaseProfile1D): """ This class provides an interface to a cumulative gas mass profile of a Galaxy Cluster. """ def __init__(self, radii: Quantity, values: Quantity, centre: Quantity, source_name: str, obs_id: str, inst: str, dens_method: str, associated_prof, radii_err: Quantity = None, values_err: Quantity = None, deg_radii: Quantity = None): """ A subclass of BaseProfile1D, designed to store and analyse gas mass radial profiles of Galaxy Clusters. :param Quantity radii: The radii at which gas mass has been measured. :param Quantity values: The gas mass that have been measured. :param Quantity centre: The central coordinate the profile was generated from. :param str source_name: The name of the source this profile is associated with. :param str obs_id: The observation which this profile was generated from. :param str inst: The instrument which this profile was generated from. :param str dens_method: A keyword describing the method used to generate the density profile that was used to measure this gas mass profile. :param SurfaceBrightness1D/APECNormalisation1D associated_prof: The profile that the gas density profile was measured from. :param Quantity radii_err: Uncertainties on the radii. :param Quantity values_err: Uncertainties on the values. :param Quantity deg_radii: A slightly unfortunate variable that is required only if radii is not in units of degrees, or if no set_storage_key is passed. It should be a quantity containing the radii values converted to degrees, and allows this object to construct a predictable storage key. """ super().__init__(radii, values, centre, source_name, obs_id, inst, radii_err, values_err, deg_radii=deg_radii) self._prof_type = "gas_mass" # This is what the y-axis is labelled as during plotting self._y_axis_name = "Cumulative Gas Mass" # The profile from which the densities here were inferred self._gen_prof = associated_prof if isinstance(associated_prof, SurfaceBrightness1D): br_key = copy(self._gen_prof.storage_key) en_key = "bound_{l}-{u}_".format(l=associated_prof.energy_bounds[0].value, u=associated_prof.energy_bounds[1].value) extra_info = "_" + br_key.split(en_key)[-1].split("_ra")[0] + "_" else: extra_info = "_" # The density class has an extra bit of information in the storage key, the method used to generate it self._storage_key = "me" + dens_method + extra_info + self._storage_key self._gen_method = dens_method @property def density_method(self) -> str: """ Gives the user the method used to generate the density profile used to make this gas mass profile. :return: The string describing the method :rtype: str """ return self._gen_method @property def generation_profile(self) -> BaseProfile1D: """ Provides the profile from which the density profile used to make this gas mass profile was measured. Either a surface brightness profile if measured using SB methods, or an APEC normalisation profile if inferred from annular spectra. :return: The profile from which the density profile that made this profile was measured. :rtype: Union[SurfaceBrightness1D, APECNormalisation1D] """ return self._gen_prof
[docs]class GasDensity3D(BaseProfile1D): """ This class provides an interface to a gas density profile of a galaxy cluster. """ def __init__(self, radii: Quantity, values: Quantity, centre: Quantity, source_name: str, obs_id: str, inst: str, dens_method: str, associated_prof, radii_err: Quantity = None, values_err: Quantity = None, associated_set_id: int = None, set_storage_key: str = None, deg_radii: Quantity = None): """ A subclass of BaseProfile1D, designed to store and analyse gas density radial profiles of Galaxy Clusters. Allows for the viewing, fitting of the profile, as well as measurement of gas masses, and generation of gas mass radial profiles. Values of density should either be in a unit of mass/volume, or a particle number density unit of 1/cm^3. :param Quantity radii: The radii at which gas density has been measured. :param Quantity values: The gas densities that have been measured. :param Quantity centre: The central coordinate the profile was generated from. :param str source_name: The name of the source this profile is associated with. :param str obs_id: The observation which this profile was generated from. :param str inst: The instrument which this profile was generated from. :param str dens_method: A keyword describing the method used to generate this density profile. :param SurfaceBrightness1D/APECNormalisation1D associated_prof: The profile that this gas density profile was measured from. :param Quantity radii_err: Uncertainties on the radii. :param Quantity values_err: Uncertainties on the values. :param int associated_set_id: The set ID of the AnnularSpectra that generated this - if applicable. It is possible for a Gas Density profile to be generated from spectral or photometric information. :param str set_storage_key: Must be present if associated_set_id is, this is the storage key which the associated AnnularSpectra generates to place itself in XGA's store structure. :param Quantity deg_radii: A slightly unfortunate variable that is required only if radii is not in units of degrees, or if no set_storage_key is passed. It should be a quantity containing the radii values converted to degrees, and allows this object to construct a predictable storage key. """ # Actually imposing limits on what units are allowed for the radii and values for this - just # to make things like the gas mass integration easier and more reliable. Also this is for mass # density, not number density. if not radii.unit.is_equivalent("kpc"): raise UnitConversionError("Radii unit cannot be converted to kpc") else: radii ='kpc') # Densities are allowed to be either a mass or number density if not values.unit.is_equivalent("solMass / Mpc^3") and not values.unit.is_equivalent("1/cm^3"): raise UnitConversionError("Values unit cannot be converted to either solMass / Mpc3 or 1/cm^3") elif values.unit.is_equivalent("solMass / Mpc^3"): values ='solMass / Mpc^3') # As two different types of gas density are allowed I need to store which one we're dealing with self._sub_type = "mass_dens" chosen_unit = Unit('solMass / Mpc^3') elif values.unit.is_equivalent("1/cm^3"): values ='1/cm^3') self._sub_type = "num_dens" chosen_unit = Unit("1/cm^3") if values_err is not None: values_err = super().__init__(radii, values, centre, source_name, obs_id, inst, radii_err, values_err, associated_set_id, set_storage_key, deg_radii) # Setting the type self._prof_type = "gas_density" # Setting up a dictionary to store gas mass results in. self._gas_masses = {} # This is what the y-axis is labelled as during plotting self._y_axis_name = "Gas Density" # Stores the density generation method self._gen_method = dens_method # The profile from which the densities here were inferred self._gen_prof = associated_prof if isinstance(associated_prof, SurfaceBrightness1D): br_key = copy(self._gen_prof.storage_key) en_key = "bound_{l}-{u}_".format(l=associated_prof.energy_bounds[0].value, u=associated_prof.energy_bounds[1].value) extra_info = "_" + br_key.split(en_key)[-1].split("_ra")[0] + "_" else: extra_info = "_" # The density class has an extra bit of information in the storage key, the method used to generate it self._storage_key = "me" + dens_method + extra_info + self._storage_key
[docs] def gas_mass(self, model: str, outer_rad: Quantity, conf_level: float = 68.2, fit_method: str = 'mcmc') -> Tuple[Quantity, Quantity]: """ A method to calculate and return the gas mass (with uncertainties). This method uses the model to generate a gas mass distribution (using the fit parameter distributions from the fit performed using the model), then measures the median mass, along with lower and upper uncertainties. :param str model: The name of the model from which to derive the gas mass. :param Quantity outer_rad: The radius to measure the gas mass out to. :param float conf_level: The confidence level to use to calculate the mass errors :param str fit_method: The method that was used to fit the model, default is 'mcmc'. :return: A Quantity containing three values (mass, -err, +err), and another Quantity containing the entire mass distribution from the whole realisation. :rtype: Tuple[Quantity, Quantity] """ if model not in PROF_TYPE_MODELS[self._prof_type]: raise XGAInvalidModelError("{m} is not a valid model for a gas density profile".format(m=model)) elif model not in self.good_model_fits: raise ModelNotAssociatedError("{m} is valid model type, but no fit has been performed".format(m=model)) else: model_obj = self.get_model_fit(model, fit_method) if not model_obj.success: raise ValueError("The fit to that model was not considered a success by the fit method, cannot proceed.") # Checking the input radius units if not outer_rad.unit.is_equivalent(self.radii_unit): raise UnitConversionError("The supplied outer radius cannot be converted to the radius unit" " of this profile ({u})".format(u=self.radii_unit.to_string())) else: outer_rad = # Doing an extra check to warn the user if the radius they supplied is outside the radii # covered by the data if outer_rad >= self.radii[-1]: warn("The outer radius you supplied is greater than or equal to the outer radius covered by the data, so" " you are effectively extrapolating using the model.") # Just preparing the way, setting up the storage dictionary if str(model_obj) not in self._gas_masses: self._gas_masses[str(model_obj)] = {} if outer_rad not in self._gas_masses[str(model_obj)] and outer_rad != 0: mass_dist = model_obj.volume_integral(outer_rad, use_par_dist=True) if self._sub_type == 'num_dens': mass_dist *= (MEAN_MOL_WEIGHT*m_p) mass_dist ='Msun') self._gas_masses[str(model_obj)][outer_rad] = mass_dist # Obviously the mass contained within a zero radius bin is zero, but the integral can fall over sometimes when # this is requested so I put in this special case elif outer_rad not in self._gas_masses[str(model_obj)] and outer_rad == 0: mass_dist = Quantity(np.zeros(len(model_obj.par_dists[0])), 'Msun') self._gas_masses[str(model_obj)][outer_rad] = mass_dist else: mass_dist = self._gas_masses[str(model_obj)][outer_rad] med_mass = np.percentile(mass_dist, 50).value upp_mass = np.percentile(mass_dist, 50 + (conf_level/2)).value low_mass = np.percentile(mass_dist, 50 - (conf_level/2)).value gas_mass = Quantity([med_mass, med_mass-low_mass, upp_mass-med_mass], mass_dist.unit) if np.any(gas_mass[0] < 0): raise ValueError("A gas mass of less than zero has been measured, which is not physical.") # This method means that a change has happened to the model, so it should be re-saved return gas_mass, mass_dist
@property def density_method(self) -> str: """ Gives the user the method used to generate this density profile. :return: The string describing the method :rtype: str """ return self._gen_method @property def generation_profile(self) -> BaseProfile1D: """ Provides the profile from which this density profile was measured. Either a surface brightness profile if measured using SB methods, or an APEC normalisation profile if inferred from annular spectra. :return: The profile from which the densities were measured. :rtype: Union[SurfaceBrightness1D, APECNormalisation1D] """ return self._gen_prof
[docs] def view_gas_mass_dist(self, model: str, outer_rad: Quantity, conf_level: float = 68.2, figsize=(8, 8), bins: Union[str, int] = 'auto', colour: str = "lightslategrey", fit_method: str = 'mcmc'): """ A method which will generate a histogram of the gas mass distribution that resulted from the gas mass calculation at the supplied radius. If the mass for the passed radius has already been measured it, and the mass distribution, will be retrieved from the storage of this product rather than re-calculated. :param str model: The name of the model from which to derive the gas mass. :param Quantity outer_rad: The radius within which to calculate the gas mass. :param float conf_level: The confidence level for the mass uncertainties, this doesn't affect the distribution, only the vertical lines indicating the measured value of gas mass. :param str colour: The desired colour of the histogram. :param tuple figsize: The desired size of the histogram figure. :param int/str bins: The argument to be passed to plt.hist, either a number of bins or a binning algorithm name. :param str fit_method: The method that was used to fit the model, default is 'mcmc'. """ if not outer_rad.isscalar: raise ValueError("Unfortunately this method can only display a distribution for one radius, so " "arrays of radii are not supported.") gas_mass, gas_mass_dist = self.gas_mass(model, outer_rad, conf_level, fit_method) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', which='both', top=True, right=True) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) plt.hist(gas_mass_dist.value, bins=bins, color=colour, alpha=0.7, density=False) plt.xlabel("Gas Mass [M$_{\odot}$]") plt.title("Gas Mass Distribution at {}".format(outer_rad.to_string())) mass_label ="10^13Msun") vals_label = str(mass_label[0].round(2).value) + "^{+" + str(mass_label[2].round(2).value) + "}" + \ "_{-" + str(mass_label[1].round(2).value) + "}" res_label = r"$\rm{M_{gas}} = " + vals_label + "10^{13}M_{\odot}$" plt.axvline(gas_mass[0].value, color='red', label=res_label) plt.axvline(gas_mass[0].value-gas_mass[1].value, color='red', linestyle='dashed') plt.axvline(gas_mass[0].value+gas_mass[2].value, color='red', linestyle='dashed') plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 12}) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def gas_mass_profile(self, model: str, radii: Quantity = None, deg_radii: Quantity = None, fit_method: str = 'mcmc') -> GasMass1D: """ A method to calculate and return a gas mass profile. :param str model: The name of the model from which to derive the gas mass. :param Quantity radii: The radii at which to measure gas masses. The default is None, in which case the radii at which this density profile has data points will be used. :param Quantity deg_radii: The equivelant radii to `radii` but in degrees, required for defining a profile. The default is None, but if custom radii are passed then this variable must be passed too. :param str fit_method: The method that was used to fit the model, default is 'mcmc'. :return: A cumulative gas mass distribution. :rtype: GasMass1D """ if radii is None and self.radii[0] == 0: radii = self.radii[1:] deg_radii = self.deg_radii[1:] elif radii is None: radii = self.radii deg_radii = self.deg_radii elif radii is not None and not radii.unit.is_equivalent(self.radii_unit): raise UnitConversionError("The custom radii passed to this method cannot be converted to " "{}".format(self.radii_unit.to_string())) if radii is not None and deg_radii is None: raise ValueError('If a custom set of radii is passed then their equivalents in degrees must ' 'also be passed') mass_vals = [] mass_errs = [] for rad in radii: gas_mass = self.gas_mass(model, rad, fit_method=fit_method)[0] mass_vals.append(gas_mass.value[0]) mass_errs.append(gas_mass[1:].max().value) mass_vals = Quantity(mass_vals, 'Msun') mass_errs = Quantity(mass_errs, 'Msun') gm_prof = GasMass1D(radii, mass_vals, self.centre, self.src_name, self.obs_id, self.instrument, self._gen_method, self._gen_prof, values_err=mass_errs, deg_radii=deg_radii) return gm_prof
[docs]class ProjectedGasTemperature1D(BaseProfile1D): """ A profile product meant to hold a radial profile of projected X-ray temperature, as measured from a set of annular spectra by XSPEC. These are typically only defined by XGA methods. """ def __init__(self, radii: Quantity, values: Quantity, centre: Quantity, source_name: str, obs_id: str, inst: str, radii_err: Quantity = None, values_err: Quantity = None, associated_set_id: int = None, set_storage_key: str = None, deg_radii: Quantity = None): """ The init of a subclass of BaseProfile1D which will hold a 1D projected temperature profile. This profile will be considered unusable if a temperature value of greater than 30keV is present in the profile, or if a negative error value is detected (XSPEC can produce those). :param Quantity radii: The radii at which the projected gas temperatures have been measured, this should be in a proper radius unit, such as kpc. :param Quantity values: The projected gas temperatures that have been measured. :param Quantity centre: The central coordinate the profile was generated from. :param str source_name: The name of the source this profile is associated with. :param str obs_id: The observation which this profile was generated from. :param str inst: The instrument which this profile was generated from. :param Quantity radii_err: Uncertainties on the radii. :param Quantity values_err: Uncertainties on the values. :param int associated_set_id: The set ID of the AnnularSpectra that generated this - if applicable. :param str set_storage_key: Must be present if associated_set_id is, this is the storage key which the associated AnnularSpectra generates to place itself in XGA's store structure. :param Quantity deg_radii: A slightly unfortunate variable that is required only if radii is not in units of degrees, or if no set_storage_key is passed. It should be a quantity containing the radii values converted to degrees, and allows this object to construct a predictable storage key. """ super().__init__(radii, values, centre, source_name, obs_id, inst, radii_err, values_err, associated_set_id, set_storage_key, deg_radii) if not radii.unit.is_equivalent("kpc"): raise UnitConversionError("Radii unit cannot be converted to kpc") if not values.unit.is_equivalent("keV"): raise UnitConversionError("Values unit cannot be converted to keV") # Setting the type self._prof_type = "1d_proj_temperature" # This is what the y-axis is labelled as during plotting self._y_axis_name = "Projected Temperature" # This sets the profile to unusable if there is a problem with the data if self._values_err is not None and np.any((self._values+self._values_err) > Quantity(30, 'keV')): self._usable = False elif self._values_err is None and np.any(self._values > Quantity(30, 'keV')): self._usable = False # And this does the same but if there is a problem with the uncertainties if self._values_err is not None and np.any(self._values_err < Quantity(0, 'keV')): self._usable = False
[docs]class APECNormalisation1D(BaseProfile1D): """ A profile product meant to hold a radial profile of XSPEC normalisation, as measured from a set of annular spectra by XSPEC. These are typically only defined by XGA methods. This is a useful profile because it allows to not only infer 3D profiles of temperature and metallicity, but can also allow us to infer the 3D density profile. """ def __init__(self, radii: Quantity, values: Quantity, centre: Quantity, source_name: str, obs_id: str, inst: str, radii_err: Quantity = None, values_err: Quantity = None, associated_set_id: int = None, set_storage_key: str = None, deg_radii: Quantity = None): """ The init of a subclass of BaseProfile1D which will hold a 1D XSPEC normalisation profile. :param Quantity radii: The radii at which the XSPEC normalisations have been measured, this should be in a proper radius unit, such as kpc. :param Quantity values: The XSPEC normalisations that have been measured. :param Quantity centre: The central coordinate the profile was generated from. :param str source_name: The name of the source this profile is associated with. :param str obs_id: The observation which this profile was generated from. :param str inst: The instrument which this profile was generated from. :param Quantity radii_err: Uncertainties on the radii. :param Quantity values_err: Uncertainties on the values. :param int associated_set_id: The set ID of the AnnularSpectra that generated this - if applicable. :param str set_storage_key: Must be present if associated_set_id is, this is the storage key which the associated AnnularSpectra generates to place itself in XGA's store structure. :param Quantity deg_radii: A slightly unfortunate variable that is required only if radii is not in units of degrees, or if no set_storage_key is passed. It should be a quantity containing the radii values converted to degrees, and allows this object to construct a predictable storage key. """ super().__init__(radii, values, centre, source_name, obs_id, inst, radii_err, values_err, associated_set_id, set_storage_key, deg_radii) if not radii.unit.is_equivalent("kpc"): raise UnitConversionError("Radii unit cannot be converted to kpc") if not values.unit.is_equivalent("cm^-5"): raise UnitConversionError("Values unit cannot be converted to keV") # Setting the type self._prof_type = "1d_apec_norm" # This is what the y-axis is labelled as during plotting self._y_axis_name = "APEC Normalisation" def _gen_profile_setup(self, redshift: float, cosmo: Quantity, abund_table: str = 'angr') \ -> Tuple[Quantity, Quantity, float]: """ There are many common steps in the gas_density_profile and emission_measure_profile methods, so I decided to put some of the common setup steps in this internal function :param float redshift: The redshift of the source that this profile was generated from. :param cosmo: The chosen cosmology. :param str abund_table: The abundance table to used for the conversion from n_e x n_H to n_e^2 during density calculation. Default is the famous Anders & Grevesse table. :return: :rtype: Tuple[Quantity, Quantity, float] """ # We need radii errors so that BaseProfile init can calculate the annular radii. The only possible time # this would be triggered is if a user defines their own normalisation profile. if self.radii_err is None: raise ValueError("There are no radii uncertainties available for this APEC normalisation profile, they" " are required to generate a profile.") # This just checks that the input abundance table is legal if abund_table in NHC and abund_table in ABUND_TABLES: e_to_p_ratio = NHC[abund_table] elif abund_table in ABUND_TABLES and abund_table not in NHC: avail_nhc = ", ".join(list(NHC.keys())) raise ValueError( "{a} is a valid choice of XSPEC abundance table, but XGA doesn't have an electron to hydrogen " "ratio for that table yet, this is the developers fault so please remind him if you see this " "error. Please select from one of these in the meantime; {av}".format(a=abund_table, av=avail_nhc)) elif abund_table not in ABUND_TABLES: avail_abund = ", ".join(ABUND_TABLES) raise ValueError("{a} is not a valid abundance table choice, please use one of the " "following; {av}".format(a=abund_table, av=avail_abund)) # Converts the radii to cm so that the volume intersections are in the right units. if self.annulus_bounds.unit.is_equivalent('kpc'): cur_rads ='cm') elif self.annulus_bounds.unit.is_equivalent('deg'): cur_rads = ang_to_rad('deg'), redshift, cosmo).to('cm') else: raise UnitConversionError("Somehow you have an unrecognised distance unit for the radii of this profile") # Calculate the angular diameter distance to the source (in cm), just need the redshift and the cosmology # which has chosen for analysis ang_dist = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(redshift).to("cm") return cur_rads, ang_dist, e_to_p_ratio
[docs] def gas_density_profile(self, redshift: float, cosmo: Quantity, abund_table: str = 'angr', num_real: int = 10000, sigma: int = 1, num_dens: bool = True) -> GasDensity3D: """ A method to calculate the gas density profile from the APEC normalisation profile, which in turn was measured from XSPEC fits of an AnnularSpectra. This method supports the generation of both number density and mass density profiles through the use of the num_dens keyword. :param float redshift: The redshift of the source that this profile was generated from. :param cosmo: The chosen cosmology. :param str abund_table: The abundance table to used for the conversion from n_e x n_H to n_e^2 during density calculation. Default is the famous Anders & Grevesse table. :param int num_real: The number of data realisations which should be generated to infer density errors. :param int sigma: What sigma of error should the density profile be created with, the default is 1σ. :param bool num_dens: If True then a number density profile will be generated, otherwise a mass density profile will be generated. :return: The gas density profile which has been calculated from the APEC normalisation profile. :rtype: GasDensity3D """ # There are commonalities between this method and others in this class, so I shifted some steps into an # internal method which we will call now cur_rads, ang_dist, e_to_p_ratio = self._gen_profile_setup(redshift, cosmo, abund_table) # This uses a handy function I defined a while back to calculate the volume intersections between the annuli # and spherical shells vol_intersects = shell_ann_vol_intersect(cur_rads, cur_rads) # This is essentially the constants bit of the XSPEC APEC normalisation # Angular diameter distance is calculated using the cosmology which was associated with the cluster # at definition conv_factor = (4 * np.pi * e_to_p_ratio * (ang_dist * (1 + redshift)) ** 2) / 10 ** -14 num_gas_scale = (1+e_to_p_ratio) conv_mass = MEAN_MOL_WEIGHT*m_p # Generating random normalisation profile realisations from DATA norm_real = self.generate_data_realisations(num_real) if num_dens: gas_dens_reals = Quantity(np.zeros(norm_real.shape), "cm^-3") else: gas_dens_reals = Quantity(np.zeros(norm_real.shape), "kg cm^-3") # Using a loop here is ugly and relatively slow, but it should be okay for i in range(0, num_real): if num_dens: gas_dens_reals[i, :] = np.sqrt(np.linalg.inv(vol_intersects.T) @ norm_real[i, :] * conv_factor) * num_gas_scale else: gas_dens_reals[i, :] = np.sqrt(np.linalg.inv(vol_intersects.T) @ norm_real[i, :] * conv_factor) * num_gas_scale * conv_mass if not num_dens: # Convert the realisations to the correct unit gas_dens_reals ="Msun/Mpc^3") med_dens = np.nanpercentile(gas_dens_reals, 50, axis=0) # Calculates the standard deviation of each data point, this is how we estimate the density errors dens_sigma = np.nanstd(gas_dens_reals, axis=0)*sigma # Set up the actual profile object and return it dens_prof = GasDensity3D(self.radii, med_dens, self.centre, self.src_name, self.obs_id, self.instrument, 'spec', self, self.radii_err, dens_sigma, self.set_ident, self.associated_set_storage_key, self.deg_radii) return dens_prof
[docs] def emission_measure_profile(self, redshift: float, cosmo: Quantity, abund_table: str = 'angr', num_real: int = 100, sigma: int = 2): """ A method to calculate the emission measure profile from the APEC normalisation profile, which in turn was measured from XSPEC fits of an AnnularSpectra. :param float redshift: The redshift of the source that this profile was generated from. :param cosmo: The chosen cosmology. :param str abund_table: The abundance table to used for the conversion from n_e x n_H to n_e^2 during density calculation. Default is the famous Anders & Grevesse table. :param int num_real: The number of data realisations which should be generated to infer emission measure errors. :param int sigma: What sigma of error should the density profile be created with, the default is 2σ. :return: :rtype: """ cur_rads, ang_dist, hy_to_elec = self._gen_profile_setup(redshift, cosmo, abund_table) # This is essentially the constants bit of the XSPEC APEC normalisation # Angular diameter distance is calculated using the cosmology which was associated with the cluster # at definition conv_factor = (4 * np.pi * (ang_dist * (1 + redshift)) ** 2) / (hy_to_elec * 10 ** -14) em_meas = self.values * conv_factor norm_real = self.generate_data_realisations(num_real) em_meas_reals = norm_real * conv_factor # Calculates the standard deviation of each data point, this is how we estimate the density errors em_meas_sigma = np.std(em_meas_reals, axis=0)*sigma # Set up the actual profile object and return it em_meas_prof = EmissionMeasure1D(self.radii, em_meas, self.centre, self.src_name, self.obs_id, self.instrument, self.radii_err, em_meas_sigma, self.set_ident, self.associated_set_storage_key, self.deg_radii) return em_meas_prof
[docs]class EmissionMeasure1D(BaseProfile1D): """ A profile product meant to hold a radial profile of X-ray emission measure. """ def __init__(self, radii: Quantity, values: Quantity, centre: Quantity, source_name: str, obs_id: str, inst: str, radii_err: Quantity = None, values_err: Quantity = None, associated_set_id: int = None, set_storage_key: str = None, deg_radii: Quantity = None): """ The init of a subclass of BaseProfile1D which will hold a radial emission measure profile. :param Quantity radii: The radii at which the emission measures have been measured, this should be in a proper radius unit, such as kpc. :param Quantity values: The emission measures that have been measured. :param Quantity centre: The central coordinate the profile was generated from. :param str source_name: The name of the source this profile is associated with. :param str obs_id: The observation which this profile was generated from. :param str inst: The instrument which this profile was generated from. :param Quantity radii_err: Uncertainties on the radii. :param Quantity values_err: Uncertainties on the values. :param int associated_set_id: The set ID of the AnnularSpectra that generated this - if applicable. :param str set_storage_key: Must be present if associated_set_id is, this is the storage key which the associated AnnularSpectra generates to place itself in XGA's store structure. :param Quantity deg_radii: A slightly unfortunate variable that is required only if radii is not in units of degrees, or if no set_storage_key is passed. It should be a quantity containing the radii values converted to degrees, and allows this object to construct a predictable storage key. """ # super().__init__(radii, values, centre, source_name, obs_id, inst, radii_err, values_err, associated_set_id, set_storage_key, deg_radii) if not radii.unit.is_equivalent("kpc"): raise UnitConversionError("Radii unit cannot be converted to kpc") if not values.unit.is_equivalent("cm^-3"): raise UnitConversionError("Values unit cannot be converted to cm^-3") # Setting the type self._prof_type = "1d_emission_measure" # This is what the y-axis is labelled as during plotting self._y_axis_name = "Emission Measure"
[docs]class ProjectedGasMetallicity1D(BaseProfile1D): """ A profile product meant to hold a radial profile of projected X-ray metallicities/abundances, as measured from a set of annular spectra by XSPEC. These are typically only defined by XGA methods. """ def __init__(self, radii: Quantity, values: Quantity, centre: Quantity, source_name: str, obs_id: str, inst: str, radii_err: Quantity = None, values_err: Quantity = None, associated_set_id: int = None, set_storage_key: str = None, deg_radii: Quantity = None): """ The init of a subclass of BaseProfile1D which will hold a 1D projected metallicity/abundance profile. :param Quantity radii: The radii at which the projected gas metallicity have been measured, this should be in a proper radius unit, such as kpc. :param Quantity values: The projected gas metallicity that have been measured. :param Quantity centre: The central coordinate the profile was generated from. :param str source_name: The name of the source this profile is associated with. :param str obs_id: The observation which this profile was generated from. :param str inst: The instrument which this profile was generated from. :param Quantity radii_err: Uncertainties on the radii. :param Quantity values_err: Uncertainties on the values. :param int associated_set_id: The set ID of the AnnularSpectra that generated this - if applicable. :param str set_storage_key: Must be present if associated_set_id is, this is the storage key which the associated AnnularSpectra generates to place itself in XGA's store structure. :param Quantity deg_radii: A slightly unfortunate variable that is required only if radii is not in units of degrees, or if no set_storage_key is passed. It should be a quantity containing the radii values converted to degrees, and allows this object to construct a predictable storage key. """ # super().__init__(radii, values, centre, source_name, obs_id, inst, radii_err, values_err, associated_set_id, set_storage_key, deg_radii) # Actually imposing limits on what units are allowed for the radii and values for this - just # to make things like the gas mass integration easier and more reliable. Also this is for mass # density, not number density. if not radii.unit.is_equivalent("kpc"): raise UnitConversionError("Radii unit cannot be converted to kpc") if not values.unit.is_equivalent(""): raise UnitConversionError("Values unit cannot be converted to dimensionless") # Setting the type self._prof_type = "1d_proj_metallicity" # This is what the y-axis is labelled as during plotting self._y_axis_name = "Projected Metallicity"
[docs]class GasTemperature3D(BaseProfile1D): """ A profile product meant to hold a 3D radial profile of X-ray temperature, as measured by some form of de-projection applied to a projected temperature profile """ def __init__(self, radii: Quantity, values: Quantity, centre: Quantity, source_name: str, obs_id: str, inst: str, radii_err: Quantity = None, values_err: Quantity = None, associated_set_id: int = None, set_storage_key: str = None, deg_radii: Quantity = None): """ The init of a subclass of BaseProfile1D which will hold a radial 3D temperature profile. :param Quantity radii: The radii at which the gas temperatures have been measured, this should be in a proper radius unit, such as kpc. :param Quantity values: The gas temperatures that have been measured. :param Quantity centre: The central coordinate the profile was generated from. :param str source_name: The name of the source this profile is associated with. :param str obs_id: The observation which this profile was generated from. :param str inst: The instrument which this profile was generated from. :param Quantity radii_err: Uncertainties on the radii. :param Quantity values_err: Uncertainties on the values. :param int associated_set_id: The set ID of the AnnularSpectra that generated this - if applicable. :param str set_storage_key: Must be present if associated_set_id is, this is the storage key which the associated AnnularSpectra generates to place itself in XGA's store structure. :param Quantity deg_radii: A slightly unfortunate variable that is required only if radii is not in units of degrees, or if no set_storage_key is passed. It should be a quantity containing the radii values converted to degrees, and allows this object to construct a predictable storage key. """ super().__init__(radii, values, centre, source_name, obs_id, inst, radii_err, values_err, associated_set_id, set_storage_key, deg_radii) if not radii.unit.is_equivalent("kpc"): raise UnitConversionError("Radii unit cannot be converted to kpc") if not values.unit.is_equivalent("keV"): raise UnitConversionError("Values unit cannot be converted to keV") # Setting the type self._prof_type = "gas_temperature" # This is what the y-axis is labelled as during plotting self._y_axis_name = "3D Temperature"
[docs]class BaryonFraction(BaseProfile1D): """ A profile product which will hold a profile showing how the baryon fraction of a galaxy cluster changes with radius. These profiles are typically generated from a HydrostaticMass profile product instance. """ def __init__(self, radii: Quantity, values: Quantity, centre: Quantity, source_name: str, obs_id: str, inst: str, radii_err: Quantity = None, values_err: Quantity = None, associated_set_id: int = None, set_storage_key: str = None, deg_radii: Quantity = None): """ The init of a subclass of BaseProfile1D which will hold a radial baryon fraction profile. :param Quantity radii: The radii at which the baryon fracion have been measured, this should be in a proper radius unit, such as kpc. :param Quantity values: The baryon fracions that have been measured. :param Quantity centre: The central coordinate the profile was generated from. :param str source_name: The name of the source this profile is associated with. :param str obs_id: The observation which this profile was generated from. :param str inst: The instrument which this profile was generated from. :param Quantity radii_err: Uncertainties on the radii. :param Quantity values_err: Uncertainties on the values. :param int associated_set_id: The set ID of the AnnularSpectra that generated this - if applicable. :param str set_storage_key: Must be present if associated_set_id is, this is the storage key which the associated AnnularSpectra generates to place itself in XGA's store structure. :param Quantity deg_radii: A slightly unfortunate variable that is required only if radii is not in units of degrees, or if no set_storage_key is passed. It should be a quantity containing the radii values converted to degrees, and allows this object to construct a predictable storage key. """ super().__init__(radii, values, centre, source_name, obs_id, inst, radii_err, values_err, associated_set_id, set_storage_key, deg_radii) if not radii.unit.is_equivalent("kpc"): raise UnitConversionError("Radii unit cannot be converted to kpc") if not values.unit.is_equivalent(""): raise UnitConversionError("Values unit cannot be converted to dimensionless") # Setting the type self._prof_type = "baryon_fraction" # This is what the y-axis is labelled as during plotting self._y_axis_name = "Baryon Fraction"
[docs]class HydrostaticMass(BaseProfile1D): """ A profile product which uses input GasTemperature3D and GasDensity3D profiles to generate a hydrostatic mass profile, which in turn can be used to measure the hydrostatic mass at a particular radius. In contrast to other profile objects, this one calculates the y values itself, as such any radii may be passed. """ def __init__(self, temperature_profile: GasTemperature3D, temperature_model: Union[str, BaseModel1D], density_profile: GasDensity3D, density_model: Union[str, BaseModel1D], radii: Quantity, radii_err: Quantity, deg_radii: Quantity, fit_method: str = "mcmc", num_walkers: int = 20, num_steps: [int, List[int]] = 20000, num_samples: int = 10000, show_warn: bool = True, progress: bool = True): """ The init method for the HydrostaticMass class, uses temperature and density profiles, along with models, to set up the hydrostatic mass profile. :param GasTemperature3D temperature_profile: The XGA 3D temperature profile to take temperature information from. :param str/BaseModel1D temperature_model: The model to fit to the temperature profile, either a name or an instance of an XGA temperature model class. :param GasDensity3D density_profile: The XGA 3D density profile to take density information from. :param str/BaseModel1D density_model: The model to fit to the density profile, either a name or an instance of an XGA density model class. :param Quantity radii: The radii at which to measure the hydrostatic mass for the declaration of the profile. :param Quantity radii_err: The uncertainties on the radii. :param Quantity deg_radii: The radii values, but in units of degrees. This is required to set up a storage key for the profile to be filed in an XGA source. :param str fit_method: The name of the fit method to use for the fitting of the profiles, default is 'mcmc'. :param int num_walkers: If the fit method is 'mcmc' then this will set the number of walkers for the emcee sampler to set up. :param list/int num_steps: If the fit method is 'mcmc' this will set the number of steps for each sampler to take. If a single number is passed then that number of steps is used for both profiles, otherwise if a list is passed the first entry is used for the temperature fit, and the second for the density fit. :param int num_samples: The number of random samples to be drawn from the posteriors of the fit results. :param bool show_warn: Should warnings thrown during the fitting processes be shown. :param bool progress: Should fit progress bars be shown. """ # We check whether the temperature profile passed is actually the type of profile we need if type(temperature_profile) != GasTemperature3D: raise TypeError("Only a GasTemperature3D instance may be passed for temperature_profile, check " "you haven't accidentally passed a ProjectedGasTemperature1D.") # We repeat this process with the density profile and model if type(density_profile) != GasDensity3D: raise TypeError("Only a GasDensity3D instance may be passed for density_profile, check you haven't " "accidentally passed a GasDensity1D.") # We also need to check that someone hasn't done something dumb like pass profiles from two different # clusters, so we'll compare source names. if temperature_profile.src_name != density_profile.src_name: raise ValueError("You have passed temperature and density profiles from two different " "sources, any resulting hydrostatic mass measurements would not be valid, so this is not " "allowed.") # And check they were generated with the same central coordinate, otherwise they may not be valid. I # considered only raising a warning, but I need a consistent central coordinate to pass to the super init elif np.any(temperature_profile.centre != density_profile.centre): raise ValueError("The temperature and density profiles do not have the same central coordinate.") # Same reasoning with the ObsID and instrument elif temperature_profile.obs_id != density_profile.obs_id: warn("The temperature and density profiles do not have the same associated ObsID.") elif temperature_profile.instrument != density_profile.instrument: warn("The temperature and density profiles do not have the same associated instrument.") # We see if either of the profiles have an associated spectrum if temperature_profile.set_ident is None and density_profile.set_ident is None: set_id = None set_store = None elif temperature_profile.set_ident is None and density_profile.set_ident is not None: set_id = density_profile.set_ident set_store = density_profile.associated_set_storage_key elif temperature_profile.set_ident is not None and density_profile.set_ident is None: set_id = temperature_profile.set_ident set_store = temperature_profile.associated_set_storage_key elif temperature_profile.set_ident is not None and density_profile.set_ident is not None: if temperature_profile.set_ident != density_profile.set_ident: warn("The temperature and density profile you passed where generated from different sets of annular" " spectra, the mass profiles associated set ident will be set to None.") set_id = None set_store = None else: set_id = temperature_profile.set_ident set_store = temperature_profile.associated_set_storage_key self._temp_prof = temperature_profile self._dens_prof = density_profile if not radii.unit.is_equivalent("kpc"): raise UnitConversionError("Radii unit cannot be converted to kpc") else: radii ='kpc') radii_err ='kpc') # This will be overwritten by the super() init call, but it allows rad_check to work self._radii = radii # We won't REQUIRE that the profiles have data point generated at the same radii, as we're gonna # measure masses from the models, but I do need to check that the passed radii are within the radii of the # and warn the user if they aren't self.rad_check(radii) if isinstance(num_steps, int): temp_steps = num_steps dens_steps = num_steps elif isinstance(num_steps, list) and len(num_steps) == 2: temp_steps = num_steps[0] dens_steps = num_steps[1] else: raise ValueError("If a list is passed for num_steps then it must have two entries, the first for the " "temperature profile fit and the second for the density profile fit") # Make sure the model fits have been run, and retrieve the model objects temperature_model =, fit_method, num_samples, temp_steps, num_walkers, progress, show_warn) density_model =, fit_method, num_samples, dens_steps, num_walkers, progress, show_warn) # Have to check whether the fits were actually successful, as the fit method will return a model instance # either way if not temperature_model.success: raise XGAFitError("The fit to the temperature was unsuccessful, cannot define hydrostatic mass profile.") if not density_model.success: raise XGAFitError("The fit to the density was unsuccessful, cannot define hydrostatic mass profile.") self._temp_model = temperature_model self._dens_model = density_model mass, mass_dist = self.mass(radii, conf_level=68) mass_vals = mass[0, :] mass_errs = np.mean(mass[1:, :], axis=0) super().__init__(radii, mass_vals, self._temp_prof.centre, self._temp_prof.src_name, self._temp_prof.obs_id, self._temp_prof.instrument, radii_err, mass_errs, set_id, set_store, deg_radii) # Need a custom storage key for this mass profile, incorporating all the information we have about what # went into it, density profile, temperature profile, radii, density and temperature models. dens_part = "dprof_{}".format(self._dens_prof.storage_key) temp_part = "tprof_{}".format(self._temp_prof.storage_key) cur_part = self.storage_key new_part = "tm{t}_dm{d}".format(, whole_new = "{n}_{c}_{t}_{d}".format(n=new_part, c=cur_part, t=temp_part, d=dens_part) self._storage_key = whole_new # Setting the type self._prof_type = "hydrostatic_mass" # This is what the y-axis is labelled as during plotting self._y_axis_name = r"M$_{\rm{hydro}}$" # Setting up a dictionary to store hydro mass results in. self._masses = {}
[docs] def mass(self, radius: Quantity, conf_level: float = 68.2) -> Union[Quantity, Quantity]: """ A method which will measure a hydrostatic mass and hydrostatic mass uncertainty within the given radius/radii. No corrections are applied to the values calculated by this method, it is just the vanilla hydrostatic mass. If the models for temperature and density have analytical solutions to their derivative wrt to radius then those will be used to calculate the gradients at radius, but if not then a numerical method will be used for which dx will be set to radius/1e+6. :param Quantity radius: An astropy quantity containing the radius/radii that you wish to calculate the mass within. :param float conf_level: The confidence level for the mass uncertainties, the default is 68.2% (~1σ). :return: An astropy quantity containing the mass/masses, lower and upper uncertainties, and another containing the mass realisation distribution. :rtype: Union[Quantity, Quantity] """ upper = 50 + (conf_level / 2) lower = 50 - (conf_level / 2) # Prints a warning of the mass is outside the range of the data self.rad_check(radius) if radius.isscalar and radius in self._masses: already_run = True mass_dist = self._masses[radius] else: already_run = False # If the models don't have analytical solutions to their derivative then the derivative method will need # a dx to assume, so I will set one equal to radius/1e+6, should be small enough. dx = radius/1e+6 if not already_run and self._dens_model.success and self._temp_model.success: # This grabs gas density values from the density model, need to check whether the model is in units # of mass or number density if self._dens_model.y_unit.is_equivalent('1/cm^3'): dens = self._dens_model.get_realisations(radius) dens_der = self._dens_model.derivative(radius, dx, True) else: dens = self._dens_model.get_realisations(radius) / (MEAN_MOL_WEIGHT*m_p) dens_der = self._dens_model.derivative(radius, dx, True) / (MEAN_MOL_WEIGHT*m_p) # We do the same for the temperature vals, again need to check the units if self._temp_model.y_unit.is_equivalent("keV"): temp = (self._temp_model.get_realisations(radius)/k_B).to('K') temp_der = self._temp_model.derivative(radius, dx, True)/k_B temp_der ='K')/self._temp_model.x_unit) else: temp = self._temp_model.get_realisations(radius).to('K') temp_der = self._temp_model.derivative(radius, dx, True).to('K') # Please note that this is just the vanilla hydrostatic mass equation, but not written in the standard form. # Here there are no logs in the derivatives, because its easier to take advantage of astropy's quantities # that way. mass_dist = ((-1 * k_B * np.power(radius[..., None], 2)) / (dens * (MEAN_MOL_WEIGHT*m_p) * G)) * \ ((dens * temp_der) + (temp * dens_der)) # Just converts the mass/masses to the unit we normally use for them mass_dist ='Msun').T if radius.isscalar: self._masses[radius] = mass_dist elif not self._temp_model.success or not self._dens_model.success: raise XGAFitError("One or both of the fits to the temperature model and density profiles were " "not successful") mass_med = np.percentile(mass_dist, 50, axis=0) mass_lower = mass_med - np.percentile(mass_dist, lower, axis=0) mass_upper = np.percentile(mass_dist, upper, axis=0) - mass_med mass_res = Quantity(np.array([mass_med.value, mass_lower.value, mass_upper.value]), mass_dist.unit) if np.any(mass_res[0] < 0): raise ValueError("A mass of less than zero has been measured, which is not physical.") return mass_res, mass_dist
[docs] def view_mass_dist(self, radius: Quantity, conf_level: float = 68.2, figsize=(8, 8), bins: Union[str, int] = 'auto', colour: str = "lightslategrey"): """ A method which will generate a histogram of the mass distribution that resulted from the mass calculation at the supplied radius. If the mass for the passed radius has already been measured it, and the mass distribution, will be retrieved from the storage of this product rather than re-calculated. :param Quantity radius: An astropy quantity containing the radius/radii that you wish to calculate the mass within. :param float conf_level: The confidence level for the mass uncertainties, the default is 68.2% (~1σ). :param int/str bins: The argument to be passed to plt.hist, either a number of bins or a binning algorithm name. :param str colour: The desired colour of the histogram. :param tuple figsize: The desired size of the histogram figure. """ if not radius.isscalar: raise ValueError("Unfortunately this method can only display a distribution for one radius, so " "arrays of radii are not supported.") # Grabbing out the mass distribution, as well as the single result that describes the mass distribution. hy_mass, hy_dist = self.mass(radius, conf_level) # Setting up the figure plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() # Includes nicer ticks ax.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', which='both', top=True, right=True) # And removing the yaxis tick labels as its just a number of values per bin ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) # Plot the histogram and set up labels plt.hist(hy_dist.value, bins=bins, color=colour, alpha=0.7, density=False) plt.xlabel(self._y_axis_name + " M$_{\odot}$") plt.title("Mass Distribution at {}".format(radius.to_string())) lab_hy_mass ="10^14Msun") vals_label = str(lab_hy_mass[0].round(2).value) + "^{+" + str(lab_hy_mass[2].round(2).value) + "}" + \ "_{-" + str(lab_hy_mass[1].round(2).value) + "}" res_label = r"$\rm{M_{hydro}} = " + vals_label + "10^{14}M_{\odot}$" # And this just plots the 'result' on the distribution as a series of vertical lines plt.axvline(hy_mass[0].value, color='red', label=res_label) plt.axvline(hy_mass[0].value-hy_mass[1].value, color='red', linestyle='dashed') plt.axvline(hy_mass[0].value+hy_mass[2].value, color='red', linestyle='dashed') plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 12}) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def baryon_fraction(self, radius: Quantity, conf_level: float = 68.2) -> Tuple[Quantity, Quantity]: """ A method to use the hydrostatic mass information of this profile, and the gas density information of the input gas density profile, to calculate a baryon fraction within the given radius. :param Quantity radius: An astropy quantity containing the radius/radii that you wish to calculate the baryon fraction within. :param float conf_level: The confidence level for the mass uncertainties, the default is 68.2% (~1σ). :return: An astropy quantity containing the baryon fraction, -ve error, and +ve error, and another quantity containing the baryon fraction distribution. :rtype: Tuple[Quantity, Quantity] """ upper = 50 + (conf_level / 2) lower = 50 - (conf_level / 2) if not radius.isscalar: raise ValueError("Unfortunately this method can only calculate the baryon fraction within one " "radius, multiple radii are not supported.") # Grab out the hydrostatic mass distribution, and the gas mass distribution hy_mass, hy_mass_dist = self.mass(radius, conf_level) gas_mass, gas_mass_dist = self._dens_prof.gas_mass(, radius, conf_level, self._dens_model.fit_method) # If the distributions don't have the same number of entries (though as far I can recall they always should), # then we just make sure we have two equal length distributions to divide if len(hy_mass_dist) < len(gas_mass_dist): bar_frac_dist = gas_mass_dist[:len(hy_mass_dist)] / hy_mass_dist elif len(hy_mass_dist) > len(gas_mass_dist): bar_frac_dist = gas_mass_dist / hy_mass_dist[:len(gas_mass_dist)] else: bar_frac_dist = gas_mass_dist / hy_mass_dist bfrac_med = np.percentile(bar_frac_dist, 50, axis=0) bfrac_lower = bfrac_med - np.percentile(bar_frac_dist, lower, axis=0) bfrac_upper = np.percentile(bar_frac_dist, upper, axis=0) - bfrac_med bar_frac_res = Quantity([bfrac_med.value, bfrac_lower.value, bfrac_upper.value]) return bar_frac_res, bar_frac_dist
[docs] def view_baryon_fraction_dist(self, radius: Quantity, conf_level: float = 68.2, figsize=(8, 8), bins: Union[str, int] = 'auto', colour: str = "lightslategrey"): """ A method which will generate a histogram of the baryon fraction distribution that resulted from the mass calculation at the supplied radius. If the baryon fraction for the passed radius has already been measured it, and the baryon fraction distribution, will be retrieved from the storage of this product rather than re-calculated. :param Quantity radius: An astropy quantity containing the radius/radii that you wish to calculate the baryon fraction within. :param float conf_level: The confidence level for the mass uncertainties, the default is 68.2% (~1σ). :param int/str bins: The argument to be passed to plt.hist, either a number of bins or a binning algorithm name. :param tuple figsize: The desired size of the histogram figure. :param str colour: The desired colour of the histogram. """ if not radius.isscalar: raise ValueError("Unfortunately this method can only display a distribution for one radius, so " "arrays of radii are not supported.") bar_frac, bar_frac_dist = self.baryon_fraction(radius, conf_level) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() ax.tick_params(axis='both', direction='in', which='both', top=True, right=True) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) plt.hist(bar_frac_dist.value, bins=bins, color=colour, alpha=0.7) plt.xlabel("Baryon Fraction") plt.title("Baryon Fraction Distribution at {}".format(radius.to_string())) vals_label = str(bar_frac[0].round(2).value) + "^{+" + str(bar_frac[2].round(2).value) + "}" + \ "_{-" + str(bar_frac[1].round(2).value) + "}" res_label = r"$\rm{f_{gas}} = " + vals_label + "$" plt.axvline(bar_frac[0].value, color='red', label=res_label) plt.axvline(bar_frac[0].value-bar_frac[1].value, color='red', linestyle='dashed') plt.axvline(bar_frac[0].value+bar_frac[2].value, color='red', linestyle='dashed') plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 12}) plt.xlim(0) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def baryon_fraction_profile(self) -> BaryonFraction: """ A method which uses the baryon_fraction method to construct a baryon fraction profile at the radii of this HydrostaticMass profile. The uncertainties on the baryon fraction are calculated at the 1σ level. :return: An XGA BaryonFraction object. :rtype: BaryonFraction """ frac = [] frac_err = [] # Step through the radii of this profile for rad in self.radii: # Grabs the baryon fraction for the current radius b_frac = self.baryon_fraction(rad)[0] # Only need the actual result, not the distribution frac.append(b_frac[0]) # Calculates a mean uncertainty frac_err.append(b_frac[1:].mean()) # Makes them unit-less quantities, as baryon fraction is mass/mass frac = Quantity(frac, '') frac_err = Quantity(frac_err, '') return BaryonFraction(self.radii, frac, self.centre, self.src_name, self.obs_id, self.instrument, self.radii_err, frac_err, self.set_ident, self.associated_set_storage_key, self.deg_radii)
@property def temperature_profile(self) -> GasTemperature3D: """ A method to provide access to the 3D temperature profile used to generate this hydrostatic mass profile. :return: The input temperature profile. :rtype: GasTemperature3D """ return self._temp_prof @property def density_profile(self) -> GasDensity3D: """ A method to provide access to the 3D density profile used to generate this hydrostatic mass profile. :return: The input density profile. :rtype: GasDensity3D """ return self._dens_prof @property def temperature_model(self) -> BaseModel1D: """ A method to provide access to the model that was fit to the temperature profile. :return: The fit temperature model. :rtype: BaseModel1D """ return self._temp_model @property def density_model(self) -> BaseModel1D: """ A method to provide access to the model that was fit to the density profile. :return: The fit density profile. :rtype: BaseModel1D """ return self._dens_model
[docs] def rad_check(self, rad: Quantity): """ Very simple method that prints a warning if the radius is outside the range of data covered by the density or temperature profiles. :param Quantity rad: The radius to check. """ if not rad.unit.is_equivalent(self.radii_unit): raise UnitConversionError("You can only check radii in units convertible to the radius units of " "the profile ({})".format(self.radii_unit.to_string())) if (self._temp_prof.annulus_bounds is not None and (rad > self._temp_prof.annulus_bounds[-1]).any()) \ or (self._dens_prof.annulus_bounds is not None and (rad > self._dens_prof.annulus_bounds[-1]).any()): warn("Some radii are outside the data range covered by the temperature or density profiles, as such " "you will be extrapolating based on the model fits.")
[docs]class Generic1D(BaseProfile1D): """ A 1D profile product meant to hold profiles which have been dynamically generated by XSPEC profile fitting of models that I didn't build into XGA. It can also be used to make arbitrary profiles using external data. """ def __init__(self, radii: Quantity, values: Quantity, centre: Quantity, source_name: str, obs_id: str, inst: str, y_axis_label: str, prof_type: str, radii_err: Quantity = None, values_err: Quantity = None, associated_set_id: int = None, set_storage_key: str = None, deg_radii: Quantity = None): """ The init of this subclass of BaseProfile1D, used by a dynamic XSPEC fitting process, or directly by a user, to set up an XGA profile with custom data. :param Quantity centre: The central coordinate the profile was generated from. :param str source_name: The name of the source this profile is associated with. :param str obs_id: The observation which this profile was generated from. :param str inst: The instrument which this profile was generated from. :param str y_axis_label: The label to apply to the y-axis of any plots generated from this profile. :param str prof_type: This is a string description of the profile, used to store it in an XGA source (with _profile appended). For instance the prof_type of a ProjectedGasTemperature1D instance is 1d_proj_temperature, and it would be stored under 1d_proj_temperature_profile. :param Quantity radii_err: Uncertainties on the radii. :param Quantity values_err: Uncertainties on the values. :param int associated_set_id: The set ID of the AnnularSpectra that generated this - if applicable. :param str set_storage_key: Must be present if associated_set_id is, this is the storage key which the associated AnnularSpectra generates to place itself in XGA's store structure. :param Quantity deg_radii: A slightly unfortunate variable that is required only if radii is not in units of degrees, or if no set_storage_key is passed. It should be a quantity containing the radii values converted to degrees, and allows this object to construct a predictable storage key. """ super().__init__(radii, values, centre, source_name, obs_id, inst, radii_err, values_err, associated_set_id, set_storage_key, deg_radii) self._prof_type = prof_type self._y_axis_name = y_axis_label